Can two celebrities actually make a marriage work?

There's no formula that can make a marriage work. Sometimes two people just click.

People try much less hard to make a marriage work than they used to fifty years ago. Divorce is easier.

To make a marriage work, you have to want to. If you want to stay with that person, you will. It's simple.

I've often thought if I didn't make my marriage work, I would have failed at my one true shot at happiness.

I think that two people who decide to live together in a marriage situation, they have an obligation to make the marriage work for them.

I don't know what it takes to make marriage work, but I'm going to keep trying until I get it right. I haven't given up on love or marriage.

I have never been given to envy - save for the envy I feel toward those people who have the ability to make a marriage work and endure happily.

I think that's what makes marriage work - when you allow each other to be strong in their chosen profession; when you support each other and love each other.

I don't know what makes a marriage work. My husband and I don't have it right at all; it's very tough on him. From the outside it looks like it's all about me - I have a glorious career and he doesn't.

It's a lot of work to make a marriage work. Just because you have been married for a while doesn't mean you can sit back and relax. You still have to be on your toes. A marriage needs constant attention.

I think what makes our marriage work amid all the glare is that my husband is my best friend. He inspires everything in my life and enables me to do the best that I can. I want to hang out with him more than anyone.

I just read 'The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.' To be married 25 years, you have to put as much energy as I put into being an actor or being a great football player into being a better husband and a better father.

Without sounding like a right idiot, my mum and my dad are my role models. They devoted everything to my sister and me - and stayed together through everything. It wasn't because they never argued - of course they did - but they worked through it and made their marriage work.

I'd love to have First Lady Michelle Obama over and ask, 'How do you make your marriage work?' I think the president is sexy as all get-out, but he has got to get on her nerves some kind of way. He's this wonderful, powerful man, but she sees him leaving his socks on the floor.

'Smurfs' just seemed like a great way to represent a young father to be, guy in a marriage, work in conflict, and I was really interested in the technical CG side of things. I'd never done a movie that I thought would be so physical and yet so precise. So I was intrigued by all of that.

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