Nobody knows anything.

Nobody knows you better than you do.

Nobody knows anybody. Not that well.

Nobody knows a hit before it's a hit.

Nobody knows enough, but many know too much.

It's as simple as something that nobody knows.

Nobody knows what the future is, except for wizards.

You can't do an impersonation of somebody nobody knows.

Nobody knows what you feel inside unless you tell them.

Everybody knows something, and nobody knows everything.

Nobody knows why they were born or where they come from.

Nobody knows the world of emotion I'm inhabiting right now.

Nobody knows the trouble you've seen - and nobody wants to.

Imagine taking off your makeup and nobody knows who you are.

Magic is older than writing. So nobody knows how it started.

A sly piece of good luck, which nobody knows of is delightful.

Nobody knows who I am or what I do. Not even I. Don Juan Matus

Nobody knows what Trump is thinking. But they all think they do.

Nobody can see into the future. Nobody knows what going to go on.

Nobody knows the trouble we've seen-but we keep trying to tell them.

Nobody knows what anticipation is anymore. Everything is so immediate.

There are things in that paper that nobody knows but me, or ever will.

Nobody knows what I am trying to do but I do and I know when I succeed.

I feel like I've always been a full-time historian, but nobody knows it.

Can you still have any famous last words if you're somebody nobody knows?

The heart is something else. Nobody knows what's going to happen,' I said

It's very easy to live here. You're anonymous here. Nobody knows who you are.

I have a feeling that inside you somewhere,there's somebody nobody knows about

Nobody knows that they're going to be Champions - you have to work to get there.

Nobody knows who said it first, but somebody must have: 'Kid's gotta be a maniac.

Nobody knows the political system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it.

Nobody knows the trouble I've seen: even less, the trouble I've successfully avoided.

My father always told me that. "Nobody knows anything, so don't listen to anyone else."

I can promote until I am blue in the face, but ultimately nobody knows what makes a hit.

Any business is the same in the beginning because nobody knows where it's going to ride.

I know who I am, how I was. I don't want to know how I will be because nobody knows that.

If you would know what nobody knows, read what everybody reads, just one year afterwards.

I feel like a big faker because I've been putting my life back together, and nobody knows.

Nobody knows when you make an effort or when you plant a seed if it will bear fruit or not.

Damn it, nobody knows what is beautiful and what is not. They do not understand new things.

Nobody knows what you want except you, and no one will be as sorry as you if you don't get it.

Death is funny, when you think about it. Everybody does it, but nobody knows how, exactly how.

The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules make up your own rules.

When you start out without a record nobody knows you, but if you have a record it's a lot easier.

Oh, my God. I've just told you how old I am. Nobody knows how old I am. I'm going to have to kill you now.

One thing nobody knows about me is that three of my fingers are edible, but I cant tell you which fingers.

Nobody knows diddly. They just think they do. And the people that think they know the most know the least.

After all, everybody has secrets and there are some things that nobody knows about you but only you, right?

Nobody knows [who they are] because when [terrorists] are dead and they are killed, they don't have any ID.

That's the great thing about the future - nobody knows what's going to happen. That's what makes it all exciting.

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