I am crumbling in sync with old Hackney.

She was the rock in a world that was crumbling

The information walls are completely crumbling.

For ivy climbs the crumbling hall To decorate decay.

To a large extent, the political walls are crumbling.

I think the world is crumbling when I have a bad game.

I'm so lucky. I could be sitting at home crumbling, but I'm not.

One and all, the orthodox creeds are crumbling into ruins everywhere.

Funding to replace crumbling infrastructure has always been hard to come by.

Plum puffs can't minister to a mind diseased or a world that's crumbling to pieces

Today the cities dominate and drain the villages so that they are crumbling to ruin.

It was as if I were writing letters to hold together the pieces of my crumbling life.

Light may earth's crumbling sand be laid on thee, that dogs may dig thy bones up easily

Detroit's industrial ruins are picturesque, like crumbling Rome in an 18th-century etching.

An education is like a crumbling building that needs constant upkeep with repairs and additions.

Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in

The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are...so make up your own rules.

We need to invest in our crumbling infrastructure to create jobs and remain economically competitive.

I just like a dirty, crumbling city. The Gotham I imagine is enticing and horrifying at the same time.

There's nowhere like Detroit; it's a modern necropolis: all these art deco masterpieces crumbling away.

Winter broke off, finally, a long ash crumbling at the end of a cigarette, burned out, weak and emptied.

Eternity! How know we but we stand On the precipitous and crumbling verge Of Time e'en now, Eternity below?

Both could feel the relationship crumbling to pieces beneath the weight of everything that Gavin refused to say.

I'm an insomniac lately. It's one of the many prizes you find in the Cracker Jack box of a crumbling [relationship].

Would higher taxes and a crumbling economy help women succeed, either personally or professionally? I don't think so.

[Religion is a way of reconstructing] what has come to feel like a crumbling moral framework in the life of our nation.

You have major labels that are willing to take unconventional approaches because the old model is crumbling in front of us.

Havana, for all its smells, sweat, crumbling walls, isolation, and difficult history, is the most romantic city in the world.

On Mars, the crumbling remains of ancient civilizations may be found, mutely testifying to the one-time glory of a dying world.

We must stop tax giveaways to rich corporations and developers while our schools are crumbling and people are losing their homes.

It was like love, he thought, this crumbling chapel: it has been complicated, and therefore perfected, by what time had done to it

My mother enjoyed old age, and because of her I've begun to enjoy parts of it too. So far I've had it good and am crumbling nicely.

The friendship of the bad is like the shade of some precipitous bank with crumbling sides, which, falling, buries him who is beneath.

Who knows what crumbling infrastructure lies beneath our sleeping children? Actually, many people do - they pay surveyors to take a look.

If you want to know why the towers of American capitalism are crumbling, I recommend reading 'The Creature from Jekyll Island' by G. Edward Griffin.

We need a national infrastructure bank to rebuild our crumbling highways and water and sewer systems, thereby putting additional people back to work.

In many ways, the crumbling of the institution of marriage is the real 'war on women.' Marriage is the civilizing influence for men and for families.

People sometimes think that I bring home all these old books because I'm addicted, that I'm no better than a hoarder with a houseful of crumbling newspapers.

I could never be a country person, sitting around trees trying to write a song. I would rather be in the middle of society, whether it's growing or crumbling.

Nowadays so many things are happening all over the place. I'd sound really like a regressive babuji if I say stuff like the institution of marriage is crumbling.

1989 was such a very, very important year in Europe. The wall fell, the Soviet Union was crumbling, and so many things happened - in 15 minutes, the world changed.

When the image that I built around the first album was crumbling, it was scary: the risk pays off, but the resonances of that risk are not always easy to deal with.

Part of the heartache of all missionary work is the bright promising convert who turns out to be a mere puffball, crumbling like a macaroon under the least pressure.

I was in Nashville, Tennessee, and I saw - we talk about crumbling bridges - I saw one, concrete literally falling onto the underpass below, threatening auto traffic.

Let's fix our roads, and be the state that's not paralyzed by partisanship, but works together. And create the blueprint for rebuilding America's crumbling infrastructure.

We go to the movies to forget about time, to be in a dream state. And it's entertainment, distraction, from the fact that everything is kind of crumbling in front of our eyes.

…So when the last and dreadful hour This crumbling pageant shall devour, The trumpet shall be heard on high, The dead shall live, the living die, And Music shall untune the sky

A broken transportation system hits Michiganders in the pocketbook. Every year, our friends and neighbors spend millions of dollars on car repairs after driving on crumbling streets.

I don't want to see the dollar strong because the rest of the world is crumbling. I would like to see the dollar strong because the Fed has said it wants it to be strong in the future.

There is a dysfunctional strangeness to Los Angeles that doesn't exist in any other western city. The roads are crumbling, no-one knows what they're doing, the city government barely works.

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