I just love Portland, man. For real.

Portland has a proud history of protest.

Portland is where young people go to retire.

Fred is officially the mayor of Portland now.

Portland is a pretty magnificent place to live.

Once my family grew bigger I loved Portland more.

I'd love to bring a championship here to Portland.

I want Portland to be the cleanest city in America.

Yes, Portland is governable. Yes, it's challenging.

Portland is incredible. It's the most amazing place.

I just wanted to move out of Portland to do something.

Something about Portland just really resonated with me.

I went to college on the East Coast in Portland, Maine.

When I was in Portland, there were some dark times for me.

I wanted to go to Portland because it's a really good book town.

When I was really rolling in Portland, I was top five in minutes.

I live in Portland. I'm a man of the world, and I live in Portland.

I miss playing basketball and the city of Portland and the Rose Garden.

But I went to high school in a Portland suburb and went to college here.

Everyone wants to come to Portland to play, whether for us or against us.

Mike Marshman is a quality choice to fill the role of Portland Police Chief.

I love Unknown Mortal Orchestra, who are from New Zealand, living in Portland.

I don't really like New York better than Portland. It's just a different place.

My top priority if elected mayor is matching Portland with economic opportunity.

For me, I love Portland. I love the food scene, I love the vibe, the environment.

Portland is utopia. My favorite thing would be it's earnestness. I am earnest, too.

The City of Portland, our police bureau, and our employees do not cooperate with ICE.

Portland needs a mayor who is going to take on the significant issues this city is facing.

In Portland, it rains all the time - but who cares? That's not funny. That's not universal.

I feel like there's a true spirit of individuality in Portland that's inherent to the place.

Portland's as good a place as any. The food is good, the people are nice. I'm in love with it.

To me, Portland, there's a lot of things to do out there especially if you have a growing family.

As mayor I don't intend to be just a voice for Portland. I intend to be a voice for urban America.

If I had to make a choice for the Hall of Fame... I would have gone in as a Portland Trail Blazer.

Portland calls itself a 'sanctuary city,' but it's nothing of the sort for a law-abiding journalist.

But I was also doing odd jobs around Portland, like spreading gravel and transplanting bamboo trees.

I am committed to ensuring that, as Portland grows, the things we love about our city grow along with us.

There are amazing behind-the-scenes technicians in Portland who didn't want to raise their families in L.A.

When I was with Washington, Portland, Detroit, everybody still got love for me and I still got love for them.

From 2001-2008, I was the host and a writer for the WB's weekly television program 'Weddings Portland Style.'

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Portland basketball fans are the best basketball fans in the world.

The entire time I was in Portland, which was the five years, I had absolutely no contact with any of my family.

I like Portland. It's a cute city. You've got a lot of twirly mustaches and things - I'm into that, the hipsters.

When I read, you know, a rough neighborhood of Portland, I'm like - what? - they didn't have kombucha bars there?

For starters, Portland isn't a great city to live in if you're a young, African American male with a lot of money.

I was surprised by how much I loved Portland. It is so wonderfully creative without being artsy. Great food scene.

I will not allow continued planned street violence between rival factions to take place on the streets of Portland.

I'm loyal to Portland. I want to play my whole career here, but at any moment, they can decide we want somebody else.

Portland is an amazing and awe-inspiring city. It's a city we cherish for its beauty. A city we love for its tolerance.

Portland doesn't have the same kind of infrastructure that the national film hubs have. We struggle with that a little bit.

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