Overnight, I became a public figure.

I am a public figure, but I am not public property.

As a public figure, you deserve to be treated fairly.

If I were not a public figure, I wouldn't fly with Thai.

Being considered a public figure honestly makes me laugh.

I wanna be more of a pop public figure, iconic kinda dude.

When you are a public figure you will get love and hate both.

A public figure cannot control what people say in open meetings.

When you are a public figure, relationships are a bit complicated.

I met this woman, I fell in love with her, and I'm a public figure.

It's hard to articulate how I think about myself as a public figure.

Because I'm a very public figure, everybody knows what my returns are.

Mayor Koch, of New York, was the first public figure to give me support.

If you're a public figure, people have the right to speculate and gossip.

You know that being a public figure is instantly grounds for prosecution.

I wasn't interested at all in doing a documentary. I was not a public figure.

I am a public figure, but there are limits. I have the right to some tranquillity.

I'm not a public figure; I shouldn't have to be held to a certain standard of beauty.

I know that being an actor, I'm a public figure and anything that I do will become news.

It's my responsibility as an artist and public figure to put the right frequency out there.

I want people to see me as the entrepreneur, the boss, the public figure, the person who motivates.

I'm a public figure. It's up to me to take the initiative to explain things. It's my responsibility.

When you become a public figure, you still think, 'That's really not me; there's more to me than that.'

I think that as a public figure, I put myself out there so people can ask me anything they want to ask me.

I'm looking forward to being able to retire from being a public figure and being able to afford to be myself!

A man does not automatically become a public figure because he happens to build an empire out of chicken fat.

Rumors will always be there. So, good or bad you have to take them in your stride because you are a public figure.

Let me marry in a normal way. I know I'm a public figure, but the person I'm getting married to might need privacy.

Ernest Hemingway did a great deal toward making the writer an acceptable public figure; obviously, he was no sissy.

I went from living my life anonymously for 58 years to being a public figure known globally in a matter of minutes.

The theory in great families was 'why work if you don't have to.' Being a public figure was reserved for movie stars.

I understand that when you become a public figure, people pay more attention to you, but my personal life is my space.

In terms of TV shows, if you're a public figure, we've all been asked to do some sort of ridiculous show at some stage.

I never aimed to be on television or in the press. We all have a personal life, and being a public figure disrupts that.

The more you stay in this kind of job, the more you realize that a public figure, a major public figure, is a lonely man.

No other powerful public figure in the history of American media has controlled his narrative as effectively as David Stern.

The first 20 stories written about a public figure set the tone for the next 2,000 and it is almost impossible to reverse it.

My life is pretty small. Even as a successful scientist, I'm not a public figure. I like people - I just don't know that many!

Being a public figure a lot of people will really love what you do, but you know there is also a ton of people who will hate on it.

For people who may think they know, or have snippets of who I am, you can attack that person. That's part of being a public figure.

I may be a public figure, but really, I'm just like a guy who could be in your family and have some difficult things happen to him.

Hillary Clinton's progress as a public figure and politician can, in fact, be indexed perfectly by her relationship to Henry Kissinger.

I never aspired to be a public figure. I have always been interested primarily in real business and the development of business strategies.

If you're a public figure, and if you're working in the White House, you should expect everything you're saying in any context to be leaked.

The strange thing is, no matter what, when you become some kind of public figure, you have your go-to answers for all scenarios and instances.

My dream job growing up was always to be an artist. It wasn't even that I would be a rapper or singer; I just knew I would be a public figure.

I'm not a public figure at all. I don't really go out a lot to places where there are people like those who sit at the bottom of your driveway.

Ever since I was 15, I've tried to act and talk as if I was a public figure because I was sure that I would be one day and wanted to be prepared.

Although I am a public figure, I'm still a little shy. I don't think my own personality is important. I prefer to keep some small dosage of privacy.

I cannot turn my life back around. I'm already a public figure, I'm famous... It's like, I might as well keep it going, might as well make the money.

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