We live in a strange bubble.

I come from a pretty strange family.

I haven't had senators advocating for me.

Definitely, I am not advocating an arms race.

I am advocating a weak yen to a certain extent.

I hope you're representing the devil's advocate.

The quick success was a bit strange to get used to.

Let me be clear: I am not an advocate of censorship.

Yet habit - strange thing! what cannot habit accomplish?

I go all around London advocating lesbian and gay rights.

I am passionate about young women and advocating for them.

There's nothing wrong with advocating for your own company.

Our universities advocate fragmentation in their course systems.

Every company can use someone advocating loudly for the customer.

Screw them. Yeah. But not literally. I'm not advocating promiscuity.

We've all got strange things about us and Lynch picks those things up.

I've always tried to be fair, even-handed, not an advocate for any group.

The loudest voices we hear are those who advocate conflict, divisiveness.

I'm not advocating violence but I think somebody should shoot Simon Cowell.

Advocating war is easier when you and your family are not endangered by it.

I don't enjoy British shows as a rule because British audiences are strange.

No man should advocate a course in private that he's ashamed to admit in public.

[John] Bolton is so far out there, he`s advocating bombing everyone in the world.

I have nothing to do with this pseudo-religious approach that Gandhi is advocating.

Rush Limbaugh advocating for objectivity is like Donald Trump advocating for humility.

I recorded with Sinatra, but the recording business is a very strange strata right now.

I am not unaware how unpopular on this floor are the sentiments I am about to advocate.

I am not advocating beef eating. But I am advocating freedom to have an opinion and a voice.

Let me be clear: There is no stronger advocate for civil liberties in the Senate than myself.

It's tough advocating for trans visibility and not being pigeonholed as just a trans actress.

I'm advocating that American citizens interested in democracy should stay out of chain stores.

In January 1776, Thomas Paine issued 'Common Sense,' advocating independence from Great Britain.

Well, my husband is supportive of my work, like advocating for dialogue between cultures on YouTube.

Denounce me for advocating freedom if you can, and I will bear your curse with a better resignation.

If more people were actively engaged in advocating their positions I think we'd have a better society.

It's such a strange combination that I'd be unhappy to make anything like that without Landis directing.

No candidate can win a presidential race advocating gay marriage and opposing the military action in Iraq.

I've traveled the country advocating for the Fair Tax, along with Herman Cain, Neal Boortz, and John Linder.

I am not a Q candidate but it's crazy to see how advocating for the safety of children makes me such a target.

I'd like to see more crossover between white and black music. That's something I've been advocating for years.

I am aware that in presenting myself as the advocate of the Indians and their rights, I shall stand very much alone.

As I say, I'm a discourse advocate. What form it comes is less important to me than the fact that there is discourse.

I am neither accusing President Obama of having committed high crimes and misdemeanors nor advocating his impeachment.

If the Pope plans to spend the majority of his time advocating for flawed climate change policies, then I will not attend.

Advocating for yourself in the context of friendship starts with choosing the right people to be part of your inner circle.

I am not advocating doing nothing. I am advocating for you to energetically, actively and vigilantly monitor how you are BEING.

We stand in the centre ground of the Labour party and our traditions. The policies we are advocating go right back to the beginning.

I have been advocating for a long time that the Export Import Bank shouldn't be for one or two companies, and that's what it's for, basically.

If the expression of and advocating for your values makes you lose a job or a person, then that person/job sorta just... wasn't your heart's tribe.

Advocating for affirmative action through the prism of diversity may be more politically palatable, but it will inevitably yield insufficient results.

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