Sometimes a sincere moment is the most surprising thing you can write.

The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.

I have had a struggle with anxiety, always, and as a proud Jew, that's not a surprising thing.

Landing the role of Stephen Hawking was the most positively surprising thing that has happened to me.

The surprising thing about fatherhood was finding my inner mush. Now I want to share it with the world.

The surprising thing was, it's actually easier working on animation than working on a comic strip, because Garfield is animated in my head.

I think the most surprising thing about giving is it takes a while to find out what you're really interested in and what you really want to do.

The most surprising thing I discovered was how rich of a life I've led. It's easy to forget all the things we experience throughout our human journey.

The surprising thing is when we met Judas Priest, they all recognized us. They knew our songs. They knew 'Gimme Chocolate!' and started dancing along with the music.

The surprising thing is that I was not funny in high school. I was always jealous of the funny kids because they always got the girls. I couldn't tell a joke to save my life.

I think the most surprising thing about the Olympics would be the amount of interaction and partying that goes on behind the scenes. They have nightclubs at the Olympic Village. It's like college all over again.

The most surprising thing for my mother and father was when I was actually earning more money than them by the time I was about 18. They thought I was going to be the ne'er do well, who they'd have to keep worrying about.

The surprising thing is that so many teenage cancer novels are very good. John Green's 'The Fault in Our Stars,' recently published by Penguin, was voted Time Magazine's book of the year in 2012 ahead of Hilary Mantel and Zadie Smith.

The most surprising thing - and the thing I really didn't think I would have an opportunity to do when I was younger - was I didn't realize the kind of roles I would be able to play. I thought it would be, like, two lines here, the joke.

I was dealing with craft, and that's the surprising thing, the number of people who have literally broken down on our stage, because when you're talking about the thing that is most important to someone, they're liable to feel something strong.

The most surprising thing, honestly, is that so few Americans know about the orphan trains. I was also surprised at the resilience and fortitude of the riders I met, their pragmatism and grace. I don't know whether this is a Midwestern trait or simply a human one.

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