Having signed a few autographs in my time, I always wonder what the heck people do with them.

I tend not to be someone who's on all the time, or is always trying to make other people laugh.

I'm always working, and I'm a single parent, so I don't think I have time for stuff most normal people do.

I just always loved to perform and I was lucky enough to be in front of the right people at the right time!

When people divorce, it's always such a tragedy. At the same time, if people stay together it can be even worse.

With a certain amount of time, people can't be crucified for what they've done wrong. It's what I always tell people.

Watching films I'm in is always a bit odd, especially when I'm watching them for the first time with other people. It's hard not to see my faults.

Each time when my films get released, people always compare it with my debut film 'Parutthiveeran' and comment that nothing comes near that flick.

I worked with Dalton Trumbo, who served time for refusing to give up names of people that were accused of being Communists. I've always admired him.

When you hear people demanding that the Ten Commandments be displayed in courtrooms and schoolrooms, always be sure to ask which set. It works every time.

Some of my other heroes around that time were, oddly enough, Frank Sinatra, Nat Cole and people like that - I was always more inclined to listen to ballads.

I guess I've always been really strong minded about what I wear; I've never followed what other people consider fashionable or what styles are happening at the time.

I've always been really opinionated, and mixed with being really open hearted, open to people shifting what I think all the time, but I like to speak with conviction.

I think that was kind of always my goal: get people to come back and see a show twice and then see it a third time. And now I've got people who have been to 30, 40 shows.

People talk about retiring. I never said that r-word. People though I went away after the Olympic Games. I took time off to do something I've always wanted to be - a mother.

The first time Kyuss was about to get signed, they're like, 'We'd like to sign you!' and we just said, 'No! Forget it!' because we thought people were always trying to invade everything.

People think just because I'm from the Middle East, I'm an expert on the Middle East. So, like, I got a friend, like, any time the gas prices go up, he'll always ask my opinion about it.

When you're working so much, it's so hard. When you do have time off, or when I had time off, rather than going out and seeing loads of people and being really sociable, I was always quite a homebody.

Nowadays, people always say, how come he's doing such young shows? But they never mention The Mod Squad. I was very proud of that show. It's the first time an African-American guy kissed a white girl.

People are always saying that prices are too high. When they turn out to be right, we anoint them. When they turn out to be wrong, we ignore them. They are typically right and wrong about half the time.

One thing I always want to clear up was the notion that I 'took time off to have a baby.' A lot people leapt to that conclusion because becoming a parent happened to coincide with film roles tapering off.

We're always observing, and we're cautious people. We really want attention, but at the same time, we're ashamed of wanting attention. All those bizarre qualities of being outside are necessary for being a writer.

We did two nights at a place in Southern California that only holds about 500 people. It was really intimate... Everyone was in lingerie... OK, every time someone says a show was intimate, my head always goes there.

People usually think that it is the coach who has to raise the spirits of his players; that it is the coach who has to convince his footballers; that it is his job to take the lead all the time. But that's not always the case.

I had always been pegged for being feminine. People would always say, 'Ooh, that's a pretty little girl.' They would talk about my eyelashes or that I was sensitive or that I was crying all the time. I didn't want to play in the dirt outside with the boys.

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