Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity.

The essence of life is finding something you really love and then making the daily experience worthwhile.

With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.

You cannot make anything worthwhile in this world unless you have first developed and transformed yourself.

And takin' a bath in the creek. That's the stuff that really made it worthwhile. Anybody can stay in a motel.

An underexplored reason why nostalgic art is worthwhile is that it influences the way the past is remembered.

Is winning the Open worth a million pounds? Well, it's worthwhile winning it - I would recommend it to anybody!

I was allowed to do whatever made me happy. I can't think of a better or more worthwhile approach to parenting.

I think most astronauts are not risk takers. We take calculated risks for something that we think is worthwhile.

Do something to help your community or people around you. That will help you feel more worthwhile and less alone.

Fiction has a unique role in conveying Truth. In fact, only fiction that is Truth with a capital T is worthwhile.

If I've learned anything in my career, it's that nothing worthwhile in life comes easy. That's just the way it is.

I did not win anything at Leverkusen so to win six titles in four years with Bayern shows the move was worthwhile.

Satisfy the deep subconscious needs of your customers - to feel important, to feel valued, respected and worthwhile

Every animal has its own intelligence and sensitivities. They're all lovely, worthwhile, and deserving of our respect.

That is almost the definition of any friendship that is worthwhile - that we don't care a damn how you behave yourself.

There are so many artists, so many songs, so many producers, that it's hard to keep track of whose music is worthwhile.

You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile.

In the beginning what is necessary is to feel that there is something worthwhile to be attained otherwise we won't do it.

I believe myself to be a worthwhile and inventive performer in my own right. [And] I want to be known for what I do best.

Change really isn't as hard as we thought if we capture people's interest and give them enjoyable, worthwhile experiences.

I have a calling in my soul, if you like, to try to make my life in some way worthwhile. What is the value of my existence?

Can you buy friendship? You not only can, you must. It's the only way to obtain friends. Everything worthwhile has a price.

Singapore needs to be able to continue to add value to China in order for the relationship to be worthwhile for both sides.

The hypothesis of God offers no worthwhile explanation for anything, for it simply postulates what we are trying to explain.

Some days I feel good about my work, and sometimes I feel I've never written anything worthwhile. That's par for the course.

To make Europe more effective is a worthwhile objective. To make Europe less important in your calculations is a big mistake.

GNP measures neither our courage, our wisdom neither our compassion. It measures everything except what makes life worthwhile

Success is like anything worthwhile. It has a price. You have to pay the price to get to the point where success is possible.

Everything worthwhile is a good idea, but did you ever notice there is more bad ideas that will work than there is good ones?

I would love to have a career that's governed by the material; I always want to be part of stories that I feel are worthwhile.

Be kind. It's worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them.

We think it is complicated to change the world. Change comes little by little. Nothing worthwhile can happen in one generation.

On Earth they've forgotten how to make everything except money. But what good is it, if there's nothing worthwhile left to buy?

I have tried to keep on with my striving because this is the only hope I have of ever achieving anything worthwhile and lasting.

Worthwhile books trouble our complacency, sharpening our minds and senses. Some are dangerous, and they, too, must be published.

All really worthwhile artists, creators, use the technology of their time, and anybody who doesn't becomes immediately a fossil.

If the work is worthwhile, then whether we can complete it or not, it's worth making the attempt. That's why courage is important.

This is how it has been since time began: If you want to make something really worthwhile and true, then you have to suffer for it.

I concluded that I know how to start and grow software companies. The worthwhile thing I could do was create livelihoods for people.

You are an extremely valuable, worthwhile, significant person even though your present circumstances may have you feeling otherwise.

I came to understand the value of education, not just to enable me to make a good living, but to enable me to make a worthwhile life.

It seems to me self-evident that it is worthwhile to understand the best thoughts of the past, to appropriate them, to criticize them.

You'll learn that the most worthwhile exercises are preceded by this very human phenomenon, fear. Marriage, parenthood, relationships.

To have a purpose that is worthwhile, and that is steadily being accomplished, that is one of the secrets of life that is worth living.

Fostering is the most worthwhile and selfless act of love you can ever imagine. The children will teach you so much about your own life.

I'm sick of all these knights in shining armor parts, I want to do something worthwhile like plays and films that have something to say.

Seems like God don't see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams - but He did give us children to make them dreams seem worthwhile.

I've always accepted applause as making me feel worthwhile. I hope I die being applauded. Just put a chaise longue under me and let me go.

There are times when what's happening in rock is the best music in the world, and there are times when there is nothing worthwhile at all.

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