Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic ...

Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic vision of being like Vincent Van Gogh Jr.

I just love the comics industry.

I tend to stay away from the comics.

I read Superman comics when I was a kid.

Comics are cool. I read 'Batman' and 'Spawn'.

I appreciate the audience for checking us as comics.

I grew up loving cartoons, comics, magic, and writing.

I don't think of cartoons or comics as being for kids.

I always tell comics you got to hang with your stand-up.

I didn't know how to write comics. I had to teach myself.

My interests were in fantasy more than comics growing up.

I have 15,000 comics in a warehouse, all bagged individually.

Most comics give you what you want. I give you what you need.

I was a Marvel guy. I started reading comics when I was a kid.

I like insult comics. Joan Rivers, Dame Edna, people like that.

I loved 'Deadpool'. I loved the comics, and I loved the script.

I didn't break into comics to write fairytales or crime comics.

The comics are where all the crazy subconscious stuff comes out.

Comics are in my blood. It's my strange addiction, and I love it.

Not everyone wants to see children's films, comics, and supermen.

I have always been a huge fan of the Spider-Man comics and films.

I've wanted to write comics ever since I figured out it was a job.

I didn't really like superheroes. I liked monsters and war comics.

I think comics have far more potential than a lot of people realize.

I am someone who, from a very young age, was a huge fan of DC Comics.

Writing and drawing comics for the sheer joy of it - that's true bliss.

My brother is a comic-book writer, and I was always in love with comics.

I love stand-up comics, particularly those who have embraced podcasting.

Now when I'm not working, I don't really hang out with the young comics.

In a perfect world, I'd like to start running comics for kids - by kids.

Stand-up comics reflect less of a visual humor and more of a commentary.

I don't buy comics anymore, for the most part. I eat my lunch off of them.

Comics are my first love, and I hate seeing an art form that I love suffer.

I read comics and stuff. I buy a lot of comics, a lot of films and boxsets.

I'd hate to be writing 'Adventure Time' comics and not be excited about it.

While many comics have a secret persona, I fundamentally want to be myself.

Being online works really well for any creative work, but especially comics.

I never read comics as a kid. I guess I was lazy and watched cartoons instead.

People who liked the 'Arkham Asylum' video game can Google comics to download.

I like to read comics, and I'll listen to records, and I like to play pinball.

I grew up on comics and cartoons. So, as an adult, I like comics and cartoons.

Compared to what some of the young comics use for material today, I'm a priest.

Most stand-up comics relish performing 'in one' - solo. They like the autonomy.

Many comics stay in one city and develop their acts for that particular audience.

It was harder to break into comics than it was to become a singer in a rock band.

'Watchmen' is a cornerstone of both DC Comics' publishing history and its future.

There's tons of people doing awesome things with comics online - I'm just one dude!

I have memories of reading comics when I was in primary school, but that's about it.

My mother wouldn't even let me read DC Comics. I came from a very strict background.

I can see people sharing my comics and talking about them, which is very gratifying.

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