I'm an impatient person.

I'm impatient sometimes.

I work in an impatient way.

I am a very impatient director.

Famously, I'm somewhat impatient.

I'm too impatient to use a tripod.

I am an incredibly impatient person.

I'm very impatient. I always want more.

Don't get impatient when it takes too long.

We weren't impatient. We just weren't moving.

Old people are often impatient, but for what?

But we moderns are impatient and destructive.

I'm too direct and too unsparingly impatient.

To be impatient is to be hooked on the future.

Don't keep that money waiting, it get impatient.

Not necessarily narrow so much as impatient, intense.

A lot of people get impatient with the pace of change.

The West is very impatient. You want overnight change.

I'm very strong willed and I'm very impatient as well.

I am rather impatient to know the fate of my best gown.

I am too impatient to wait for temptation to come to me.

My vacations last one hour. Then I get bored, impatient.

Amateurs in professional situations make me very impatient.

About my career I was serious and earnest, sometimes impatient.

I'm patient with crossword puzzles and the most impatient golfer.

I've never been afraid to fall in love, nor impatient to find it.

An impatient person plays differently than a more patient person.

One must never be either content with, or impatient with, oneself.

Beautiful and diabolical. You make me impatient indeed to claim you.

I was always very... impatient about showing my paintings to people.

Impatient men are generous ones. Or haven't you learned that by now?

By being impatient, matters are damaged and great works cannot be done

I was a kind of hyper-intense person in my twenties and very impatient.

When I'm trying to get bread to prove, I am itching; I am so impatient.

You have to imagine a waiting that is not impatient because it is timeless.

There are so many doors to open. I am impatient to begin." --Charlie Gordan

I was too impatient to work at the usual duties assigned women on newspapers.

I have a very sharp tongue, I'm very impatient, and it's a lifelong struggle.

My not-so-fun traits are that I get very impatient and I can be really stubborn.

I'm deeply impatient. If I can't park directly in front of somewhere, I go home.

A lot of times I wish I would have learned to read music, but I'm very impatient.

I'm a very impatient person. I love dancing, I love music, and I love eating life.

I am a man in a hurry. We have to work both from office and roadside. I am impatient.

Everybody knows I'm impatient. I don't have to apologize for it. I'm too old for that.

Americans have grown impatient with the relentless politicizing of every area of life.

I was as impatient about finding my dream man as I was about everything else I wanted.

You can't be impatient about growth, because that's what leads people to make mistakes.

I like efficient people. I'm pretty impatient, so I can't stand people who putter around.

Among those who share a throne there can be no loyalty; Dominion's ever impatient consort.

I love shopping! I'm impatient though. I'll go to the mall and in 30 minutes be ready to go.

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