Art must be parochial in the beginning to be cosmopolitan in the end.

Art must be parochial in the beginning to be cosmopolitan in the end.

In the beginning it was all black and white.

In the beginning, there were Real Programmers.

The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

In the beginning, I didn't dance that much and stuff.

In the beginning, learning a new position is not easy.

Hitler was good in the beginning, but he went too far.

In the beginning of my all my camps, I do just boxing.

Fatherhood didn't change me in the beginning very much.

In the beginning, my blog was exclusively read by my mom.

In the beginning, fear was the dominant motivating force.

If you don't have heroes in the beginning, you don't grow.

I made theater very important in the beginning of my career.

They started to try and keep us off the air in the beginning.

You always think you're better than you are in the beginning.

I thought doing drag in the beginning was fun: playing dress up.

In the beginning, I was very insecure. I hated how I looked in pictures.

In the beginning, I was so chintzy I really didn't pay my employees well.

We were pretty crappy in the beginning. We really didn't sound that great.

If I'd had a charisma-ectomy in the beginning, XP would have gone nowhere.

In the beginning, God placed a woman in a companion role with the priesthood.

I never had any thought behind anything I did in the beginning, to be honest.

In the beginning was the Word. Man acts it out. He is the act, not the actor.

In the beginning, I wrote OK songs, but they didn't have a unique perspective.

I get involved in the beginning, less in the middle, and very much at the end.

In the beginning, my mother humored me when I told her I wanted to be a reporter.

In the beginning of your mixed martial arts career, you're not making good money.

A true knight is fuller of bravery in the midst, than in the beginning of danger.

I wanted to be on stage. That was kind of my plan as an actress in the beginning.

I don't feel the same pressure to be perfect up there that I did in the beginning.

In the beginning, I wanted to be successful. I wanted to make and have hit records.

In the beginning, I was actually embarrassed to admit that I wanted to be an actor.

We are living in the beginning of a mass extinction and our climate is breaking down.

I do remember the people who believed in me in the beginning. I'll never forget that.

That's what I signed up for in the beginning. I was 170 pounds; 155 was forced on me.

In the beginning, there was noise. Noise begat rhythm, and rhythm begat everything else.

I don't think there'd be a Tina Fey now if I hadn't tried to look good in the beginning.

In the beginning I pushed toward perfection, but it takes time to get to certain places.

I know how to wrap my turban a little better now. In the beginning, it was a little weird.

Lionel Messi, getting to meet him, you're a little star-struck in the beginning, of course.

When you look at me in the beginning of '96 and at the end of '96, I'm two different people.

I didn't really like snowboarding in the beginning. Now, I just love it. I'm in love with it.

I have a confession to make. In the beginning, I did not understand the Kate Moss phenomenon.

It wasn't the muso thing that got me recognition in the beginning. It was doing 'Wild Thing.'

I spend a lot of time in a sort of free state when I'm writing in the beginning and sketching.

It feels good to be featured in a film poster. I didn't have it in the beginning of my career.

I feel like I'm only in the beginning of my career. I've only made five albums. It's not a lot.

Badlapur' has got an excellent soundtrack even though it wasn't planned at all in the beginning.

Meditation is painful in the beginning but it bestows immortal Bliss and supreme joy in the end.

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