I want people to love me for my music.

Music is passionate. It's love for me.

Perspective has allowed me to rekindle my love of music.

Music is what I breathe, what I love to do. It keeps me alive.

I do love the music aspect of the Internet. The Internet made me.

I love having music just to chill to and also to rev me up a bit.

I love composing music and it's like a breath of fresh air for me.

I love music, and playing ukulele and singing makes me really happy.

I love knowing that people are connecting to my lyrics, my music and me.

Music is always there, but if you're asking me my first love, it's film.

That's why I fell in love with country music: it made me feel something.

You can impact on people with music, and I love that because music impacts on me.

Music was my first love; acting was something that wasn't important to me early on.

I don't want people to love me. I want people to chill and just listen to my music.

I love to listen to the music that first inspired me - I get that fresh feeling back.

I'm really passionate about music. I do love acting, but music is the end goal for me.

To me, using music is creating a shorthand with an audience. And I love music so much.

My favorite music is '80s music which drives people around me crazy. I really love it.

Whether its active rock, pop, country, hip-hop - I love music; it's therapeutic to me.

Music is a conversation between the audience and me, and I love that about my profession.

I always give a lot of credit to Ronnie Dunn for making me fall in love with country music.

Playing with Iggy pulled me back in for a while and reminded me of what I love about music.

I love music, and I once thought about doing a choral scholarship, but the people put me off.

I love making music so it's important for me to keep doing that even if the schedule is busy.

The way I see it, if people truly love my music, they will support me in some way down the road.

I also think something that makes the whole live performance fun for me is that I love my music.

Working on music is the funnest thing for me, and I love it, and I could do it all day, all night.

'Lemonade' resonated with me, and I love the direction Beyonce is going with her music and her career.

I love film, but it's bringing me away from music. Singing is what I'm probably most passionate about.

I know that the music industry has changed, but I'd love it if Adele and John Legend would write me songs.

I find music distracting - it takes me out of my head. What I love so much about skiing is the peacefulness.

I love rock. I love the music that was born out of the latter part of the 20th century. It means a lot to me.

I love music and I love acting. I always keep that in the forefront, not all the other distractions around me.

I love nostalgic pop music. The '80s especially, to me, is the greatest era of songs. I just love the '80s so much.

What inspired me was the love of making music and having no one around and just saying, 'I've gotta figure this out.'

When I think of artists I love, like J. Cole, it's the storytelling that grabs me. I want to be honest with my music.

I have fallen back in love with music, which has allowed me to get back to my roots and create sounds without borders.

I didn't take music seriously in the beginning. It just kind of a hobby to me. It was something that I love doing for fun.

I did 'Love Letter' and 'Write Me Back,' and those were fun albums for me to do because they took me back to music I love.

I get to do all the styles of music that I love. There's no boundaries; there's nobody holding on to me saying I can't do that.

I don't want people to think that I think I'm this great drummer because, to me, I'm just a kid playing drums, and I love music.

I love how it feels to go into the gym, crank all my favorite music and literally sweat out all of the things that stress me out.

Me personally, I think all the barriers that are put up between genres are so easily broken. People just love music that moves them.

I love church buildings, particularly cathedrals, and I like living in spaces that remind me of music or evoke that creative energy.

Sheikie love the music that make me happy when I eat the kebob. I love the old generation - the Frank Sinatra, Bob Marley - he legend.

I love classical music and have been playing violin since I was seven. Music helps me to express feelings in a way words often cannot.

I still love making music. And I still love performing for my fans. I'd like to thank them for sticking with me through thick and thin.

I gotta be me. I'm going to go to ball games, because that's what I do. I'm going to go to live music shows, because I love live music.

Those that know me know that I'm not 100% in love with commercial pop music. It's not my preferred genre - I don't do squeaky clean pop.

For me, my favourite music was things like The Bee Gees, ABBA and 'The White Album.' The 70s is the period that I love more than anything.

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