Rahm Emanuel is son of the devil’s spawn.

Willpower is steam for life's locomotion.

I let steam off by watching 'Downton Abbey.

I let steam off by watching 'Downton Abbey.'

Steam is probably the easiest to release on.

Mode of providing steam power to locomotives.

When I do something, I do it full steam ahead.

Chowder breathes reassurace. It steams consolation.

The English wouldn't give you the steam of their piss.

Can you feel the steam heat coming from my undercarriage?

Ian Baird is dashing around like a steam roller up front.

Sometimes I need to blow off steam and go dance really hard.

... once you get up steam, you are carried helplessly along.

The hollows are heavy and dank With the steam of the Goldenrods.

In 1854 I took out a patent for puddling iron by means of steam.

When you're remaking a classic, you don't want it to lose steam.

I will do this job as long as I feel that I can do it full steam.

Steam is about creating tools for content creators and customers.

By means of steam one can go from California to Japan in eighteen days.

We're not thinking about the past, we're full steam ahead on the future.

Aerosmith is such a powerful band; I mean, it's like a steam locomotive.

I just felt like I had run out of steam. I just felt like it was my time.

Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool.

My favorite way to blow off steam is to sing obnoxiously loud in the shower.

Written on the mirror, revealed by the steam, were the words, I love you, Jane.

I was born too late for steam trains and a lazy eye meant I'd never be an astronaut.

As soon as I have got flying to perfection, I have got a scheme about a steam engine.

Reading is a mighty engine, beside which steam and electricity sink into insignificance.

The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.

I don't think the West needs to apologize - or pay - for having invented the steam engine.

The railroad originally was as completely dissociated from steam propulsion as was the ship.

The Internet, like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world.

Let the poets cry themselves to sleep, and all their tearful words will turn back into steam.

My pre-game before an event is to take a steam and a long hot shower before prepping my skin.

Fear is like the steam that fires the combustion engine. You need fear to get a performance going.

The only way to get through the life I had was just to have a big head of steam and determination.

When all the plants in a region are running at full steam, there is simply no way to get more power.

People have to understand how important it is for the players to let off steam, switch off and relax.

A breath of steam trickles out, filled with the sobs of a grown woman breaking into girl-sized pieces.

I don't ever wear makeup. I steam my face. I put hot water to open pores and cold water to close them.

The movement towards radical transparency and accountability has been gaining steam for several decades.

I had been attempting novels since I was 14 but always ran out of steam. High hopes, poor craftsmanship.

Discontented women are like pressure cookers. The steam rises and one day they just reach boiling point.

Actors, when they're older, still get a chance to let off steam or something and work things off on stage.

The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.

Football is a great way for me to catch up with my sons, and to let off some steam from my professional life.

Frankly, I'm a drummer; and when I wanted to let off steam, I would just go and beat the hell out of my drums.

This flat Earth has nothing to do with the steam rocket launches, it never did, it never will. I'm a daredevil!

You want to go in the steam bath to get your vocals sounding well, but you don't want your fingers to get soft.

The first thing you do when you get off tour is let off some steam and, you know, have some type of big breakdown.

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