I was born in Amsterdam.

...And in freedom, most people find sin.

Amsterdam's my favourite place to visit.

Ireland is also quite nice. So is Amsterdam.

Location: Amsterdam, Where Fire Is Called "Vlam

Thank you for wearing that dress which is like whoa.

In Europe, I always have fun bike riding in Amsterdam.

I am a village boy, and Amsterdam for me was always the big town.

Amsterdam is like the rings of a tree: It gets older as you get closer to the center.

I've visited Holland plenty of times and always liked staying in the Hilton in Amsterdam.

But once we got on the air, everybody except Morey Amsterdam pretty much stuck to the script.

In Amsterdam, the river and canals have been central to city life for the last four centuries.

I just got back from Switzerland, which I've never been to. I went to Switzerland and Amsterdam.

I've had the good fortune of studying the 17th-century art of Amsterdam in preparation for a film.

San Francisco is a lot like Amsterdam - free, open-minded and casual - though I expected better weather.

What's special about Amsterdam is that the city is able to connect worlds that are not otherwise connected.

I lived on a houseboat in Amsterdam for a year. It was intense, and it's possible that I even had a few blackouts.

When the Internet arrived in Ireland... it was like having Amsterdam's Red Light District in your own living room.

I love Amsterdam. The city is vibrant and alive. It's fresh and so open. It's definitely one of my favorite places.

Stand outside De Eland, on the Berenstraat Bridge over the Prinsengracht, and you see what real Amsterdam life is like.

I used to teach improv courses in Amsterdam where we would do team-building exercises, and they can go south very quickly.

When I wrote my book about Amsterdam, the main objective was to talk about the city's creativity rather than just its design.

Amsterdam has more than 150 canals and 1,250 bridges, but it never seems crowded, nor bent and bitter from fleecing the tourist.

Every time I hear that Champions League song, it reminds me of hearing it for the first time in the old Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam.

I had to play arena football for three years. I had to work in a grocery store for a while to make ends meet. I had to go to Amsterdam to play.

I like it [Rotterdam] much better than Amsterdam which is too much like a postcard. It's too cute for me. Rotterdam is more real, it's got a stomach.

In '83, we went over to Amsterdam. I just remember people saying, 'Baseball's just starting over here. They're learning how to play the game of baseball.'

I was discovered in Paris when I was there on a school trip at the age of 13. After that, my mom came in contact with Elite Amsterdam; then I started modeling.

I still have agents in France, Los Angeles and Amsterdam who call and suggest parts. I'd love to keep on doing both painting and acting until the end of my days.

I love cities. New York, Montreal, London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Toronto, L.A... but, I do choose to live in Vancouver. It's home.

The Annex is an ideal place to hide in. It may be damp and lopsided, but there's probably not a more comfortable hiding place in all of Amsterdam. No, in all of Holland.

Amsterdam lives and breathes creativity. One moment you walk into a building from the 17th century, and the next you find yourself in a hub of creative start-up companies.

My parents married in 1959 and came to Amsterdam on honeymoon. That was a huge thing, event, for them. Now my children fly off for the weekend to Riga, Prague, or Barcelona.

Historic Amsterdam, that old part you first see when you turn up at Centraal Station, may have its monuments, but it's also the most tawdry and overcrowded part of the city.

I get inspired in certain places. You have to write in places like Amsterdam or Paris or New Zealand, when you're standing on a yacht, looking out at the middle of the ocean.

Amsterdam was a great surprise to me. I had always thought of Venice as the city of canals; it had never entered my mind that I should find similar conditions in a Dutch town.

Amsterdam is such a fun, cool place, and it's very Instagrammable with the canals and the boats and the flowers and the architecture. It's amazing for outfit of the day shots.

I can be a bit nerdy so I need a good, clearly marked map, as you can miss out on some of the coolest places in Amsterdam if you don't have a wander down the little side streets.

Amsterdam must have more than a million people. But the only area where jazz is really profitable and successful in an economic sense is in Japan. That's because they haven't been exposed enough.

I know that I am very popular in Holland, in fact I have visited Amsterdam several times to publicize my books. I have a great publisher in Holland and they have published all of my books in Dutch.

I can't think of another artist who has a fan base as diverse, in that the ladies in their 70s at the 4-H club have the same collection of Johnny Cash records as the punk on the street in Amsterdam.

I got a horror film, 'The Burning,' and suddenly I was making crazy money, like a thousand a week, so I moved into an apartment on Amsterdam with a guy who was also in 'The Burning,' Jason Alexander.

In more than 10 years, I've formed three real friendships. Mousa Dembele, for example. We've known each other since we were 12, our wives are from Amsterdam, he lives in London and we both have a kid.

Compared to other liberal cities like San Francisco and Amsterdam, New Yorkers are always trying to do something, make art or love or money or whatever, and they have this phobia about standing still.

Never in a million years did I think some kid from Amsterdam would be in a position not only would he be in the Money in the Bank and a fan favorite, but be informed and led by people like Paul Heyman.

I'm just a girl from Amsterdam. It's a small city. Everybody knows Amsterdam, but it's still a small city. To come from there, to work with Will. i. am... it's like, 'What happened?! What did I do right?'

My experience in Amsterdam is that cyclists ride where the hell they like and aim in a state of rage at all pedestrians while ringing their bell loudly, the concept of avoiding people being foreign to them.

Most visitors to Amsterdam will wander into the red-light district out of sheer curiosity. The narrow streets are mostly safe day and night - just don't try to take pictures of the women working in the windows.

Once I even took the train to Utrecht, forty miles from Amsterdam, with my yellow star, this star which I still have. Why did I go? I just wanted to visit some friends. I was a little bit crazy, a little bit insane.

My father was born in Amsterdam in a highly religious family. He was in Amsterdam, and he went into hiding right near where Anne Frank was. He was a theoretical physicist and the last Jew to get a Ph.D. in Amsterdam.

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