I think sleep is unrated.

Collecting is my passion.

I'm not dying until I do.

I am just a history nerd.

I think L.A. is beautiful.

I really do know football.

I love sci-fi and fantasy.

You cannot teach ambition.

Being a parent is amazing.

Alan Arkin is a good cook.

I am a sucker for jackets!

I never give up on things.

I don't write punch lines.

I'm trying to be truthful.

I was raised on Bruce Lee.

Fame overcomes everything.

OMG, I am a married woman!

I lead a very boring life.

I'm an old-fashioned girl.

I can be stupid sometimes.

The gunshot holds no fear!

Lipstick is for lips only.

I'm always moving forward.

I like to sing love songs.

I don't even like parties.

I hate, hate Times Square!

I love variety in my life.

Being a mother is magical.

I'm a bit of a workaholic.

My mother loved the Bible.

I still look good, though.

Dream big and love bigger.

Panic is a horrible thing.

My love life is wonderful.

I was always the mediator.

Longing is all that lasts.

I want to be a role model.

Sorry I don't eat buffalo.

I'm a huge fan of Cheetos.

I am my favourite villain!

I've worn some ugly shoes.

I was a very unique child.

Sophia Loren is glamorous.

I was a gymnast for years.

I'm certainly not a prude.

My body is a baby machine.

You can overcome anything.

I love receiving fan mail.

Jealousy is a scary thing.

I have a scary side of me.

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