I love snowboarding.

Don't eat the yellow snow.

There are no rules in snowboarding.

Snowboarding really is a luxury sport.

I've reached my goal with snowboarding.

Snowboarding brought me out of my shell.

Snowboarding requires lower-body strength.

I like snowboarding, and I like to watch it.

I tried snowboarding before, and I suck at it.

Snowboarding has taken me so many different places.

I have been snowboarding since I was seven years old.

I totally forget about snowboarding in the summertime.

I'm excited to join the Mountain Dew snowboarding team.

I tried snowboarding, and that scared the hell out of me.

Snowboarding is a spawn of skating, and skating is my passion.

I didn't even think about snowboarding until after my accident.

I have the most fun snowboarding when it's just me and my brother.

I'm not really good at skiing or snowboarding, or swimming, per se.

I'm from Wisconsin, and I love snowboarding, hiking, yoga and soccer.

It was a no-brainer to get the Unified snowboarding race into X Games.

The X Games have done night and day for snowboarding and action sports.

Now I'm doing more snowboarding but I have to get back into surfing again.

I decided I want to represent the U.S. and show what snowboarding's all about.

I think the cool thing about snowboarding is that everyone has their own style.

Some people attach snowboards to their feet, very few attach them to their souls.

There's two positions in snowboarding. One is looking cool and the other is DEAD!

When I first started snowboarding, there weren't a lot of girl riders on the hill.

I want to keep snowboarding as long as I'm still having fun and progressing my riding.

I love the sport of snowboarding so much, but I just don't want to talk about it, ever.

I love extreme sports, I like snowboarding and motorcross and rollerblading and hockey.

I've learned a lot about business from snowboarding: how companies run, how the game works.

I'm a big sports guy - golf, tennis, baseball, basketball, snowboarding - and I love games.

You know, I wouldn't even call snowboarding a sport, you know for me it's just a way of life

I simply do the things that inspire me, be that snowboarding, designing clothing, or dancing.

I didn't really like snowboarding in the beginning. Now, I just love it. I'm in love with it.

Love can be the only answer. But snowboarding also works for me. Because I love snowboarding!

I've been snowboarding my whole life. My wife's really good, and I just try to keep up with her.

Snowboarding! I love it! Some of the best places to snowboard are Telluride and Park Cities, Utah.

It's exciting to go from snowboarding to skateboarding because I get to start as the underdog again.

If I died snowboarding, you could honestly tell everybody in the world that Jeremy London died happy.

When I was a teenager I loved snowboarding, but in my 20s I was too big to strap my feet in the boards.

In all aspects of my life, I try to reduce my impact on the earth - that includes snowboarding, as well.

I played rugby most of my life and then I switched to snowboarding, which provided me a lot of inspiration.

Snowboarding is about having fun, pushing one another creatively, and not putting anyone down along the way.

Snowboarding is an activity that is very popular with people who do not feel that regular skiing is lethal enough.

It's an amazing feeling when I have a customer who tries a leg on and is able to go snowboarding for the first time.

I took the liberty in Snowboarding to Nirvana to do a type of parody of what I suppose you would call "New Age fiction."

You want everybody to see snowboarding as it should be, looking phenomenal with everybody doing what they know how to do.

Snowboarding and skiing are big adaptive sports, so that's kind of a market that I wanted to make our equipment used for.

All through high school, I was incredibly healthy. I loved the outdoors, and I loved snowboarding because of the freedom.

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