A Westlife reunion is definitely going to happen - but I have no idea when.

They're really nice kids. Michael is really raising them properly and right.

Sometimes the only way to realize what a foolish purchase is is to make one.

None of us are made to be worshipped, and when we take that in, we get sick.

How could they call him wacko? He's sold more records than anybody in history.

When you chastised a youngster back in the early ages, we called it a whipping.

You can always spot the professionals. Taylor Swift, she knows what she's doing.

I have nothing negative to say about 'X Factor,' it's the best show in the world.

If you’re not going to do it to the best of your ability, then don’t do it at all.

At 22 years old, I tattooed 'family' on my wrist to not lose sight of my true goal.

There's nobody knows more about dancing and choreography than Arlene Phillips, ever.

My wife deals with real problems. My problems aren't problems - they're inconveniences.

Everybody has auditioned and failed. You learn from that. It's how you learn your craft.

When I look at acts, I look at the worldwide potential. And what travels wide is melody.

Do you know how many plastic surgeries are done to the actors and actresses in Hollywood?

I'm loving 'X Factor,' I'm having the most fun. I love the idea and I love the celebrities.

I find nothing wrong with striving for the impossible. But I find alot wrong with giving up

There's a difference between buying a few places yourself and getting into the property game.

I'm a news junkie. Anderson Cooper, I watch him every night. I watch Piers Morgan a lot as well.

A lot of times in this business, we forget that we're surrounded by a lot of really good people.

Michael was a type of person the whole family went behind who crossed all borders with his music.

The new independent spirit at Warner Music is a perfect fit for a stand-alone label like Maverick.

Michael, if he wants an operation on his nose, plastic surgery, hey, he can do it. It's his right.

I don't want to hang around in a wheelchair in a nursing home. I don't. I don't want to be like that.

I'm a huge fan of Geffen records. Everything about them - their artists, their videos, their marketing.

I fed them every day. So it was a papa that kept food on the table for them. I did that. I did my part.

What is the difference between God and Bono? God doesn't wander down Grafton Street thinking he's Bono.

You get x amount of years at the top… boybands are like buses - there's always another one coming along.

Most people are blown away by the fact that Beck is Jewish... and Billy Joel. I didn't know he was Jewish.

We know our son. We know he's not a pedophile like some of these newscasters are saying. That is not true.

All I know is, he's a good kid, and he's done right all his life. And he always treats other people right.

Niall Horan was in the right place at the right time, he's the luckiest guy in the world and he knows that.

What I do for a living is so high-risk that I try to make sure my portfolio is as conservative as possible.

I got offered a bunch of reality show stuff, but I didn't want to be known for that, so I turned it all down.

All you need in a successful boyband is two great singers and three okay singers and you get can away with it.

My brother and I made a pact that every deal we do has to have a charitable component; otherwise, we don't do it.

I worry about dying all the time so I worry about my health. I don't want to die because I absolutely love my life.

When I was 25, I had risked everything to launch Justin Bieber and was a couple months away from losing everything.

I don't know if I'm going to be a manager forever. I don't know if I'm going to be producing films or television shows.

Nadine from Girls Aloud could definitely go solo - she's the one with the talent and will have a successful solo career.

Sharon Osborne, my good friend, sent me to her doctor to have my eyes done in L.A., and it made me look 10 years younger.

You should never do something kind in hopes of recognition. Do it because its right. Do it because it makes you feel good.

A lot of people who want to be serious artists probably don't want to go for a talent show, but it is a great launching pad.

I had very big lips growing up, so my brother started to call me Scooter Fish because he decided a scooter fish has big lips.

The Spice Girls are very lucky and very overrated. None of them can sing and their music is not half as good as Girls Aloud's.

Hometown are different to anything I've heard. They have an incredible blend in their vocal styles. They are going to be huge.

The thing with One Direction is they were massive worldwide. They were going from continent to continent, right across America.

If you can help someone become a good young woman or a good young man, they have a better chance of surviving in this business.

I don't know if I'll quit Ireland. I like living here because I like the people here, but you never know what's going to happen.

Michael had Neverland. It was his mission before Michael passed away to create a theme park, and we are taking over that mission.

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