There are more old drunkards than old physicians.

I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking.

When the going gets tough, the tough go drinking.

I'd rather have my kid smoking pot than drinking.

I've stopped drinking, but only while I'm asleep.

Not one man in a beer commercial has a beerbelly.

There's nothing wrong with sobriety in moderation.

Deep thinking in the ranks leads only to drinking.

Discouraging smoking and drinking is a left ideal.

Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic's best friend!

Worshiping the teapot instead of drinking the tea.

I don't want to see the uncut version of anything.

Drink is the feast of reason and the flow of soul.

Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity.

The best way to learn about wine is in the drinking

Drinking water is essential to a healthy lifestyle.

You can tell German wine from vinegar by the label.

I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.

I prefer to think that God is not dead, just drunk.

Drinking can bring out a dude that has some issues.

I feel like a drunken man who doesn't have a drink.

You can't be a real country unless you have a beer.

All professions are conspiracies against the laity.

Good liquor is not cheap. Cheap liquor is not good.

It's not the drinking to be blamed, but the excess.

A drunkard is a dead man And all dead men are drunk.

When animators weren't sleeping, they were drinking.

Be careful to trust a person who does not like wine.

Reality is an illusion created by a lack of alcohol.

Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over.

Here's to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life.

Kush rolled, glass full, I prefer the better things.

Drinking is fun! It makes me feel horrible and sexy!

I'm gaining weight the right way: I'm drinking beer.

I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.

I've been drinking. Now I'm going to drink some more.

I'm drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and greys.

Do you drink?" "Of course,I just said I was a writer.

Who cares how time advances? I am drinking ale today.

Drinking your own blood is the paradigm of recycling.

Many contemporary authors drink more than they write.

There are more old drunks than there are old doctors.

Beer drinking doesn't do half the harm of lovemaking.

Imma sip until I feel it, Imma smoke until it's done.

We drink [to] one another's health and spoil our own.

Demagogue--a vessel containing beer and other liquids.

The cost of living has gone up another dollar a quart.

I am not drinking now but I cannot guarantee tomorrow.

I've never been drunk, but often I've been overserved.

I drink exactly as much as I want, and one drink more.

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