You should do things because of what your expectations are of yourself.

If you align expectations with reality, you will never be disappointed.

Holding on to expectations is often the source of unforgiving feelings.

One thing I always remember: Frustration is built by unmet expectations.

Limit your thinking and expectation today to only the things God can do.

Unfortunately, I think the expectation is that birthday girls don't pay.

You can Light Up the Whole World by Giving without any Expectation Back.

Promising is the very air o' the time; it opens the eyes of expectation.

Faith speaks when hope is disassembled; faith lives when hope dies dead.

I think there's a sort of satisfaction in defying people's expectations.

To work without attachment is to work without the expectation of reward.

One thing the music industry has taught me is to manage my expectations.

I find my life is a lot easier the lower I keep everyone's expectations.

Constrain the user's expectations to match the abilities of the software.

Ah, but if you have no expectations, You can never have a disappointment.

Trade your expectations for appreciation and the world changes instantly.

Nothing takes the heart out of a man more than the expectation of failure.

Since we cannot hope for order, let us withdraw with style from the chaos.

Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable.

People are far more important than rigid rules and demanding expectations.

I roll out of my couch every morning with the more agreeable expectations.

Our circumstances answer to our expectations and the demand of our natures.

Our lives are shaped not as much by our experiences as by our expectations.

Blessed is he that expecteth nothing, for he shall be gloriously surprised.

When you have expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Our expectation in ourselves must be higher than our expectation in others.

Only you can judge your life. You have to live up to your own expectations.

I know there are a lot of expectations of me, and I will do the best I can.

You get whatever you expect to get. The only question is. What do you want?

He needed to exist only in the present, without guilt, without expectation.

We're not products of our environments, we're products of our expectations.

Expecting perfection from ourselves or others is not what holiness is about.

Expectations are like hidden rocks in your path , All they do is trip you up

To be brave is to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return.

The Democrats have this high level of expectation of what government can do.

Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.

Value is not made of money, but a tender balance of expectation and longing.

A lot of people have high expectations. I'm just going to do the best I can.

Show people how to have success and then you can push their expectations up.

The expectation of an unpleasantness is more terrible than the thing itself.

When everyone has high expectation for you, it can attack your insecurities.

A thing long expected takes the form of the unexpected when at last it comes.

Keep your standards high, and any guy who is worth it will rise to meet them.

It's hard to close the door on optimistic expectations when you love someone.

Ben's emphasis was on protecting his expectation of profit with minimum risk.

Our children can achieve great things when we set high expectations for them.

What interferes with this peaceful feeling is our expectation of reciprocity.

You should have high expectations for yourself and others should come second.

I can establish the expectation of retributive justice. Have we done that? No.

Please reduce the expectation in your tone when asking me how my day is going.

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