If I spend 10 days at home, I'll be dying to get back to the set. I love the thrill of a good dialogue, the buzz of shooting.

Don't let the American twang fool you. I still say, 'I'm going home,' when I come to England, and I love a good old cup of PG Tips with a Jaffa Cake.

Teach love, generosity, good manners and some of that will drift from the classroom to the home and who knows, the children will be educating the parents.

I love yoga. I can practice it wherever I am, at home, in my hotel room... I like playing tennis, too, but that's more of a hobby because I'm not very good!

I love what Eric Church is doing. He and I are friends, and he opened some shows for us a few years ago and I would fly him home on the jet. He is a good one.

Honestly, I think that ghee is underrated. I love using clarified butter. I think it makes vegetables taste so good, especially when you're just cooking at home.

I live in Nottingham. I love just being at home. I can shut my front door, and it's like a little haven to me rather than thinking about going to certain places to... look good.

I always love going home anyway; it's where my roots are. I always like to go back. It's a good reminder of where I started and the journey that I still have to go on to get where I want to be.

I like teff, an Ethiopian grain. It's not so popular in the States yet, but it's really good, almost like a porridge. And I love sushi, but it's not always that healthy, so I don't keep it at home.

I like to have a balance. Obviously I go out with my friends, but I love to just stay at home and read and hang out. I'm really good at just lounging and being relaxed. And then I love to stay active as well.

My husband, Gabriele, is a musician, and I love music, so you can bet it's a really important part of our home entertaining repertoire, even if it means Gabriele making a really good playlist for a dinner party.

The older I get, the harder it is to splurge without consequences. I love food. Chocolate and cheese and anything that's bad for me. I'll be really good when I'm at home so I can eat what I want to when I'm out with friends.

Just because you love to cook and you are good at in your home environment doesn't necessarily mean that you are cut out for competition. It is a different animal and requires you to approach cooking in a very different way.

I love L.A. - don't get me wrong. But I miss everything about New York. I don't eat cheese, but I miss the smell of pizza in the city. I'm a really big fan of Latino food. I want to go back home and have some good arroz con pollo.

It'd be great to do some other TV. 'Breaking Bad' is definitely my home, but I'd love to have a nice hiatus gig, like a recurring role. Or to do a good film. I'd like to do a Woody Allen movie. I really didn't have a plan, and that's okay with me.

What I love is a good role. In the theatre, there is just a canon of extraordinary roles, the quality of character is amazing, but I also love working in front of a camera. It was the first one for me; as a kid I was in front of a camera. I feel at home.

I just want to be there for my husband. I don't ever want him to think that he's not getting everything at home - love, attention, encouragement, a meal. I just want him to feel the best he feels at home. I think that's what a good wife is. Someone who is very attentive to her husband.

Colombians, when they love an artist, they love him whether you're up or down. So why wouldn't I stay in a place where they loved me when I was in my worse moment, and they were saying I was a legend? I felt I was good, so I felt it was my home. I fell in love with the people, the culture. They made me feel like a Colombian.

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