Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken.

It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we mistake panic for inspiration.

My mind’s screaming went unvoiced. Logic grabbed the panic and wrestled it to the ground.

I don't like to get too complacent. I like to give myself five panic attacks per project.

Now panic beats and flutters inside my skull like a flock of starlings locked in an attic.

Panic is a natural human response to danger, but it's one that severely compounds the risk.

The panic over Sputnik brought many good things such as a huge increase in science funding.

Rumors of sneezing, kissing, tears, sweat, and saliva spreading AIDS caused people to panic.

Im a little untidy, and my favorite color is gray, and Im always scurrying around in a panic.

A red-hot belief in eternal glory is probably the best antidote to human panic that there is.

Because of the lack of education on AIDS, discrimination, fear, panic, and lies surrounded me.

I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. And then I want you to act.

But he knew well enough that any man in the right circumstances could be dehumanised by panic.

The panic of the Depression loosened my inhibitions against being different. I could be myself.

I'm a little untidy, and my favorite color is gray, and I'm always scurrying around in a panic.

There were times when I didn't have enough money, I didn't have enough work, and I would panic.

Crime is increasing, trigger happy policing. Panic is spreading, God knows where we're heading.

Panic was the worst thing. When you panicked, you couldn't see possibilities. Then came despair.

The more the panic grows, the more uplifting the image of a man who refuses to bow to the terror.

Peace without energy may be only stagnation; and energy without peace may be but a form of panic.

There's no panic like the panic you momentarily feel when your hand or head is stuck in something.

If you're tearing around in a panic about something, then it puts everyone else in a panic as well.

All right, let's not panic. I'll make the money by selling one of my livers. I can get by with one.

Making economic policy isn't a popularity contest, especially when financial markets are in a panic.

I became bitter, hard, cold. I was always on a panic - couldn't buy clothes or a good place to live.

What goes down usually goes back up, if you're willing to be patient and don't hit the panic button.

As in all moral panics, an accusation is enough to destroy a person's life. Hysteria trumps evidence.

I go through phases with money. I'll spend it liberally and then I'll panic and won't spend anything.

Panic is highly contagious, especially in situations when nothing is known and everything is in flux.

I do have panic attacks every time I go on stage so I'm really not sure why I put myself through this.

I panic at parties. I don't like talking absolutely nothing and pretending, so I'm quite odd socially.

In 'Next to Normal,' I had millions of breakdowns and panic attacks, but nobody ever heard about those.

I used to panic about everything - family, friends... I'd think, 'Is that person okay? Can I fix this?'

There is almost always a major blip for whatever reason and we have learnt to expect it and not to panic.

Don't panic. Are you sitting? You probably don't need to sit. Well, possibly. At least lean on something.

When I didn't work on TV, that was OK because I was doing lots of theatre but I did begin to panic a bit.

Living in the capital, I worry about terrorism, but I no longer panic. For this I have my child to thank.

I can't emphasize the immediate panic that would set in when I had to audition. I can't believe I did it.

I have panic attacks here and there, like in the weirdest places ever, and I've learned to deal with them.

I constantly have little panic attacks of wanting to change something on a production level, but I let go.

I learned, by the time I was twenty, I'm not gonna die from a panic attack; you feel like you're going to.

Look at misfortune the same way you look at success - Don't Panic! Do you best and forget the consequences.

Don't panic and lose hope even if there's a mountain in your pathtalk to the One who created the mountains.

I never panic when I get a wasp at my ear. As soon as you strike out, they'll sting you. So just stay cool.

The degree of panic activity in my life is equal to the degree of my lack of personal spiritual experience.

When I was immobilized by fear, I might have a panic attack. I've had a couple of panic attacks in my life.

I just like to take my time, have a cup of tea and read the paper. I don't like starting the day in a panic.

I think I'm very calm in adversity, always remaining calm, and I don't panic. I think that's the main thing.

Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic; it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation.

His first instinct was to help me, not sit like a deer in headlights, I now know that Matt isn't one to panic

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