Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the ...

Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.

I am frequently attacked.

Exchange ideas frequently.

I fire lawyers frequently.

I do date quite frequently.

People are quite frequently eccentric.

I love drums and still play frequently.

Good servants frequently make good masters.

I make bad decisions frequently. They're fun.

More people are using PayPal more frequently.

Indians were frequently off their reservations.

I fail frequently - I just try to keep it quiet.

I frequently dream of having tea with the Queen.

I frequently hear music in the very heart of noise.

I frequently visit Ahmedabad. My sister lives here.

I do not speak frequently or otherwise to the press.

Our virtues are most frequently but vices disguised.

Christmas albums are not something you do frequently.

I invite Mr. Lee Chong Wei to visit China frequently.

At school, I was frequently subjected to racial abuse.

Genuine democracy is frequently messy, not stage-managed.

The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.

The best contraceptive is the word no - repeated frequently.

Things we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish.

Too frequently, we see women being pitted against each other.

Childhood is frequently a solemn business for those inside it.

Shakespeare is the one who gets re-interpreted most frequently.

Nowhere are our calculations more frequently upset than in war.

In my own life I'm frequently in predominantly white atmospheres.

After I debuted, I was frequently asked why I get nervous so much.

People make snap judgments about me that are frequently misguided.

Readiness is an oft-mentioned - but frequently ignored - necessity.

Chaste love happens all the time, far more frequently than adultery.

True generosity is too frequently eaten up by prosperity and riches.

Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital.

Not every business cycle has a financial crisis. Frequently they do.

Read Don Quixote; it is a very good book; I still read it frequently.

And literature frequently rises to heights that make it international.

Shepard Smith has frequently been the lone voice of reason on Fox News.

I feel my story has been exercised very thoroughly and very frequently.

To win, you have to score; if I can do that frequently, my job is done.

People are so easily impressed by running, but I run pretty frequently.

Markets are frequently ahead of, and often out of sync with, the economy.

Robert Benchley has a style that is weak and lies down frequently to rest.

Government frequently has a problem recognizing perception versus reality.

Frequently producers have partners that they never let the public know about.

The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference.

I think it's the human condition to be frequently embarrassed by your parents.

Too frequently, we hear about coaches and programs willing to win at any cost.

I frequently hear our present period described as uncertain, confused, chaotic.

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