You don't run 26 miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a ...

You don't run 26 miles at five minutes a mile on good looks and a secret recipe.

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on ...

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.

Cooking is a philosophy; it's not a recipe.

A recipe is a story that ends with a good meal.

Don't let the secret recipe die with the inventor.

I'm not an amazing cook. But I can follow a recipe!

The only recipe is hard work, persistence, and belief.

What could be a better recipe than mixing fashion and food?

A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.

Trying to design the perfect plan is the perfect recipe for disappointment.

There is no recipe to be a great teacher, that's what is unique about them.

There is nothing like a good old recipe. If it has lasted, then it is good.

We own a proprietary recipe for Casamigos Tequila that can't be duplicated.

To not follow your passion in life is a recipe for failure and unhappiness.

My grandsons really love my apple cake, which is from my grandmother's recipe.

You can't live someone else's expectations in life. It's a recipe for disaster.

The man must have a rare recipe for melancholy, who can be dull in Fleet Street.

I make the best Spanish omelettes in the world, but I won't tell you the recipe!

No one gave me a recipe for how to create company culture. I wish I had had one.

Cooking is not effortless. To get a recipe that feels effortless is really hard.

You wouldn't try and make a cake without a recipe book. Careers are just the same.

When you taste something delicious, ask for the recipe! Or offer to trade a recipe!

Trying to look cool and lovely in comedy is a recipe for disaster. You have to let go.

I do a lot of recipe creation. Translation: cooking tempting dishes that must be eaten.

Is very hard to find, like, a recipe to feel good fitness-wise, tennistically, mentally.

I think baking is very rewarding, and if you follow a good recipe, you will get success.

But for the time being, I've only learned one cake recipe and how to make scrambled eggs.

On TV, I really try to go back to the basics and break down a recipe until it's very easy.

My go-to winter recipe is beef and butternut squash stew, cooked in the slow oven all day.

I don't have the recipe for happiness, but I think the engine is simply having the desire.

I feel that gender balance in the work environment is actually the best recipe for success.

My recipe for life is not being afraid of myself, afraid of what I think or of my opinions.

Writing with a film in mind - writing like a screenplay - is a sureshot recipe for disaster.

I baked the coffee cake recipe from 'The Joy of Cooking' over and over again when I was a kid.

London was a spice mecca. The first recipe for curry in English was actually published in 1747.

We aren't afraid to take creative risks, which is the main ingredient in our recipe for change.

For my Mai Tai recipe, I juice fresh orange, pineapple, and lime. It's like vacation in a glass!

I love a good challenge of looking with new eyes at a tried and true recipe in my recipe Rolodex.

People are always asking me for my favorite recipe, and I have to say, 'I don't really have one.'

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.

Closing one's eyes is not a recipe for peace. It is a simple way to embolden aggressive personalities.

'My Family Recipe Rocks' is on the Live Well Network, and we go to people's homes and watch them cook.

The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.

The same way one tells a recipe, one tells a family history. Each one of us has our past locked inside.

Thinking of ourselves as members of 'this group' or 'that group,' I think that's a recipe for division.

I hit the trifecta on 'Law & Order': I did the original recipe, extra crispy and the Colonel's special.

Once you have mastered a technique, you hardly need look at a recipe again and can take off on your own.

We cannot tax the same people we expect to create jobs. That is a recipe for keeping people out of work.

I'm publicist, patron of nine charities, creative director, food consultant, recipe developer - and mum.

I've never taken a cooking class. I've never gone to a cooking show. I've never read a recipe in my life.

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