I'm a curry and rice girl.

I don't know Ayesha Curry.

I hope my son becomes the next Steph Curry.

I wanna be the Steph Curry of country music.

Having curry for breakfast is a thing of beauty.

I just really try to model my game after Steph Curry.

My artist name is actually my real name - Denzel Curry.

Who wouldn't want to be compared to a guy like Steph Curry?

Steph Curry is special in terms of the kind of competitor he is.

I have a great time cooking and eating Thai green chicken curry.

After a few days of vegetable curry I crave my husband's home-made pizza.

When I did 'Spamalot,' the joke was that I was a foot taller than Tim Curry.

I really like rustic mediterranean cooking. And I like trying out curry takeaways.

Obviously, I love Steph Curry. I think he's dope and a really cool player to watch.

In her bottled up is a woman peppery as curry, a yam of a woman of butter and brass.

I love watching Steph Curry. When he's hot, every time he gets it, I'm like, 'Shoot!'

London was a spice mecca. The first recipe for curry in English was actually published in 1747.

Steph Curry - I haven't seen anyone on his level, bringing that type of showmanship with excellence.

And apparently things like a Vindaloo curry are out for the rest of my life, or at least a long time.

I went to university in Birmingham in the 1970s just when the curry revolution was starting in Britain.

I've heard people say I'm a Curry and that helped me get where I am. Sometimes I think it's the opposite.

I like to cook Vietnamese pho or vegetarian curries. I need to cook more but I need somebody to cook with.

You've got to work your way into the NBA. Guys like Seth Curry, it took him a couple years in the G-League.

The first meal my husband ever made me was a chicken curry. I have never tasted anything so delicious in my life.

I didn't have a sweet tooth, but I liked butter, and I liked sauces, and I liked wine... and curry... and cheeses.

None of my friends are big posters - we're old school. We text, phone and meet up and have a beer or have a curry.

I cook rarely, but I've kind of got two or three dishes that I stick to. I do a great sweet potato and lentil curry.

We went through a nice stretch of big guys. But soon, everyone is going to realize that there's only one Steph Curry.

I can make chicken curry, rice, kheema... I am a foodie and enjoy varied cuisines. My favourites are Korean and Japanese.

A woman's whole life is spent making chicken curry while her husband works. Then, any time he likes, he can kick her out.

Cannock is a friendly place. You can stroll down the road to a decent pub and have a good curry, and it is not too faceless.

Steph is the greatest shooter of all time. Shooting off the rack is not indicative of being a better shooter than Steph Curry.

When I started my career, I started with black comics: Bruce Bruce, Mark Curry, Bill Bellamy. It takes all kinds of influences.

I would be a basketball player, play at Duke, go to the Golden State Warriors, play with Kevin Durant, Steph Curry, Draymond Green.

While we Brits love a curry, the French get their spicy kicks from the culinary traditions bestowed by their North African population.

I always watch guys and take a lot of little stuff. I've taken a lot of hesitation stuff from Steph Curry. I think he's the best at that.

The greatest set shooter ever? Larry Joe Bird. Period. The best coming off screen? Reginald Miller. And the best off the dribble? Steph Curry.

I see these college kids taking these crazy shots, and it's like, taking that shot is going to leave you without a job. You're not Steph Curry.

I like to make bombueti, which is basically the South African national dish. It's basically a South African curry shepherd's pie kind of thing.

His work ethic is insane. We all know Steph Curry on the court, making a lot of spectacular plays, shooting 3s from anywhere, from the half court.

We took the handcheck out of the game to give guys like Steph Curry more freedom. Why didn't we say, 'Just get in the weight room and get stronger?'

No feature of the Obama presidency has been sadder than its constant efforts to divide us, to curry favor with some Americans by castigating others.

Savory...that's a swell word. And Basil and Betel. Capsicum. Curry. All great. But Relish, now, Relish with a capital R. No argument, that' the best.

Twenty-seven member states cannot even organise a takeaway curry, let alone what they are going to do on free trade deals with the rest of the world.

Lunch on the road is usually the same as breakfast and tea in remote places - packet meals. I'm veggie and generally get vegetable curry or rigatoni.

I've got this rep as a party boy, but the only show I've ever missed was when I had food poisoning from an Australian duck curry. I was puking buckets.

Playwrights are like men who have been dining for a month in an Indian restaurant. After eating curry night after night, they deny the existence of asparagus.

Under Armour's success depends in part on endorsements from celebrity athletes, many of whom - like Stephen Curry, the basketball star - are African-American.

Our party cannot be all things to all people. It can't be. Our loudest opponents on the left are never going to like us so let's stop trying to curry favor with them.

People close to me called me 'Curry in a Hurry.' I was moving through life at 100 miles an hour trying to further my career and be a great mom and make everyone happy.

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