Love and respect are the most important aspects of parenting, and of all relationships.

Nobody likes having salt rubbed into their wounds, even if it is the salt of the earth.

We are usually mistaken in esteeming men too much; rarely in esteeming them too little.

New York gave me hell for that 'Purple Swag,' man. They didn't respect me until 'Peso.'

I have a healthy respect. The fact that I get ready for each opponent shows my respect.

I carried through well with my tennis. I got the respect by usage of the tennis racket.

Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as common hatred for something.

It's very important that we learn how to communicate... and learn to respect each other.

I have a great deal of respect and admiration for people who put themselves on the line.

There are few things that so touch us with instinctive revulsion as a breach of decorum.

How do we help the church get their respect back? I have a plan: pedophile crucifixions.

By respect for life we become religious in a way that is elementary, profound and alive.

The highest ideals are human intelligence, creativity and love. Respect these above all.

Until we respect bin Laden, we are going to die in numbers that are probably unnecessary.

From the spinners, Anil and I have been together for a long time and I respect him a lot.

The point of feminism is you shouldn't have to be a man to be treated with equal respect.

You have to respect the system. If you have a problem with the system, change the system.

When I was a kid I got no respect. I played hide-and-seek. They wouldn't even look for me.

Boldness and decision command, often even in evil, the respect and concurrence of mankind.

One of the surprising things in this world is the respect a worthless man has for himself.

I firmly believe that respect is a lot more important, and a lot greater, than popularity.

Men naturally despise those who court them, but respect those who do not give way to them.

Don't worry about what the people say; be yourself, say what you want to say WITH respect.

Individuality is to be preserved and respected everywhere, as the root of everything good.

Responsibility and respect of others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom.

One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.

Gymnastics taught me everything - life lessons, responsibility and discipline and respect.

Love, friendship and respect do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.

We all require and want respect, man or woman, black or white. It's our basic human right.

I didn't even respect singers until I heard Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong.

Few things are more laughably pitiable than authority once it has been successfully defied.

He that respects himself is safe from others. He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.

Golf is game of respect and sportsmanship; we have to respect its traditions and its rules.

The gifts of an honorable, well-lived life are in those who will miss you once you're gone.

I never aspired to be a screen hero; all I ever wanted was for people to respect what I do.

I don't think about, 'Oh, I'm finally getting my respect,' because I don't care about this.

Humility is a great quality of leadership which derives respect and not just fear or hatred.

I've read that some people believe I don't respect the fans' opinions, but that is not true.

Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.

Treating your adversary with respect is giving him an advantage to which he is not entitled.

No one deserves any more respect than the other person until they prove themselves unworthy.

I don't respect religon. I don't respect superstitious thinking and that is what religous is.

A man's respect for law and order exists in precise relationship to the size of his paycheck.

The most important phase of living with a person is respect for that person as an individual.

I played it right because that's what you're supposed to do – play it right and with respect.

That's what people respect, the fact that I wasn't a chump that laid on his back and gave up.

This world belongs to all of us, and all sexes should be able to live in respect and harmony.

Men who love their mothers treat women wonderfully. And they have enormous respect for women.

I don't train like a mixed martial artist. I don't respect the sport like everyone else does.

I think, when you value yourself and respect yourself, everything else just falls into place.

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