I wouldn't want my funeral to be a sad, sappy thing.

Anyone familiar with my work knows I'm no sappy sentimentalist.

I'm super-into sappy movies like 'La La Land' and 'Midnight in Paris.'

Why can't people just say they were moved? Why do they have to say it's sappy?

When you write about hope, don't make it sappy; make it cool, make it adaptable.

I'm not much of a crier, actually. You know, I tend to cry and get sappy on planes.

I have a card catalogue in my brain of every lyric of every sappy love song ever written.

I'm into all that sappy stuff - a surprise picnic, nice dinner, or traveling. I'm kind of an old romantic.

I'm a sappy mom now. I didn't think I would be. I thought I'd be a cool mom who keeps everything in perspective.

Ever since I visited Paris when I was younger, the sappy side of me really wanted to write a song about it someday.

The thing that I really look for in people is enthusiasm and excitement and, not to sound really sappy, that fire in their eyes.

What I do on international flights is watch crappy, sappy love movies... Sometimes they're so bad, it's laughable. It kills time.

To be willing to sort of die in order to move the reader, somehow. Even now I'm scared about how sappy this'll look in print, saying this.

The thing is, I am a loving person. I am super sappy when it comes to romance. But I'm not the Antonio Banderas, swashbuckling, Pierce Brosnan, smooth-talking type.

I was in bands all through my youth. Things started out more acoustic and then piano ballads. Then R&B followed by sappy pop music and then rock, punk and heavy metal.

I know it's sappy, but I bet there's a market for civility and niceness out there that, while probably not as titillating as a junkyard scrap between shirtless adversaries, it'd sure be healthier.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm not working at McDonald's and how come I have the life I have. I don't know. But I'm happy that I have these choices. That's kinda sappy, huh? But whatever, acting beats pumping gas.

I've found a woman I can relate to. That's something - and I don't even feel sappy saying it - that, if anyone has that, don't lose it, because it's probably the only thing that you can ever really find any satisfaction from.

Well, people can get advice almost anywhere, but they can't find a companion almost anywhere. And far more than being an advice-giver or somebody who just plays sappy love songs, I really am a companion on the radio at night.

It blows me away the number of truck drivers or macho guys that will call, and then I start peeling back the layers, and I find out they've been listening to me for 10 or 15 years, and they know every lyric to every sappy song.

Music is a frequency, and my frequency, when I put it out there, is on the love vibes. It's not always sappy. Like, 'Bulletproof' is a love song. It's a black love song. I made it for my people. I made it for the world, but I made it for my people in particular.

We certainly weren't the only show that managed to be funny and engaging and relatable but never talk down to the audience. There have only been a handful of those that I can think of that aren't super-cheesy or sappy or way too kid-friendly. 'Boy Meets World' was special in that way.

Because I am married to a surgeon, I do Botox and I do some fillers. But I truly believe that the best beauty secret is happiness. I know that sounds sappy, but I'm just telling you it comes from the inside and spreads out. The happier and more satisfied you are living your life, the better you will look.

Every journalism bromide - speaking truth to power, comforting the afflicted, afflicting the powerful - that otherwise would be hopelessly sappy to a journalist of any experience, has become a Twitter grail. The true business of journalism has become obscured because there is really no longer a journalism business.

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