There is a certain seductiveness about dead things. You can ill treat, alter and recolour what's dead. It won’t complain.

The same amount of pride which makes a man treat haughtily his inferiors, makes him cringe servilely; to those above him.

Many who are committed to reason and science have turned against religion altogether and treat it with fear and contempt.

It's a treat being a runner, out in the world by yourself with not a soul to make you bad-tempered or tell you what to do.

You've got to tell the world how to treat you. If the world tells you how you are going to be treated, you are in trouble.

I had a good time doing ["The Congressman"], and I hope that Treat [Williams] and I plan to go flying in his [private] jet!

Essentially, your voice is an instrument; its a muscle, and you have to treat it like a muscle, and so you have to work it.

A reproach can only hurt if it hits the mark. Whoever knows that he does not deserve a reproach can treat it with contempt.

Its the best time ever to be a doctor because you can heal and treat conditions that were untreatable even a few years ago.

You don't train a dog in a training hall, jerking his neck or even giving him food treats. You train him using life rewards.

I haven't met a horse I didn't love. I love caring for them, cleaning them. I love doing my own tack and giving them treats.

I always have gone out of my way to be known as a person who is always so nice to their fans and treats everyone like equal.

The true measure of our character is how we treat the poor, the disfavored, the accused, the incarcerated, and the condemned.

It is truly regrettable that a person will treat a man who is valuable to him well, and a man who is worthless to him poorly.

We just have to have visibility. We have to have acknowledgement. We have to have accountability to how we treat one another.

You have to treat your employees like your customers. When you treat them right they will treat your outside customers right.

I've tried to have a really normal life, and I have because my family treats me normal, and my friends treat me just the same.

Until people see poetry as springing from all of life, they will isolate it in a creativity corner and treat it like a mascot.

Treat people the way they are and they will stay that way. Treat people the way they can become and they will become that way.

I like to eat healthily and feel like I'm putting good fuel in my body, although I do allow some tasty treats once in a while.

I am a believer in trying to treat people properly and trying to respond and making sure that I find the time to be courteous.

Indie world won't have me, and mainstream world treats me like an alien, but here I am still floating between these two worlds.

And we mean to treat you all,' added Lydia, 'but you must lend us the money, for we have just spent ours at the shop out there.

I'm proud of our court. It knocks back a lot of the propaganda the Communists put out about the way America treats her Negroes.

Stock prices turn people's heads. When prices are high, we treat a company like gods, and if they drop, we treat them as fools.

I meet people on the street or at book signings and they tend to treat me as if they know me, as if we're connected. It's great.

No business can stay in business without customers. How you treat - or mistreat - them determines how long your doors stay open.

The insolence of the vulgar is in proportion to their ignorance. They treat everything with contempt which they do not understand.

You have to protect yourself, your body, your being. You cannot treat it badly; you have to keep it, make as sensitive as possible

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we ... believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.

President Trump is treating the judiciary the way he treats the media. But the harm created by these attacks could be far greater.

Everyone wants to believe Chris Paul is a good guy. They don't know he's a horrible teammate. They don't know how he treats people.

An organisation that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only.

A society should be judged by how it treats its children. A country that fails to invest in its children is imperilling its future.

To treat a person like a carpet, it is necessary that one do the walking, and one allow himself to be walked on. --Shin'a'in saying

Listen how they say your name. If they can't say that right, there's no way they're going to know how to treat you proper, neither.

Confidence breeds confidence and negativity breeds negativity. Treat those around you with respect and dignity and they will thrive.

In our democracy, near equality is no equality. Government either treats everyone the same, or it doesn't. And right now it doesn't.

If you treat your beta-testers as if they're your most valuable resource, they will respond by becoming your most valuable resource.

It is shameful and inhuman to treat men like chattels to make money by, or to regard them merely as so much muscle or physical power.

I can't say, 'I eat whatever I want when I want,' but I have come up with some great treats for myself that are healthy and satisfying.

Everyone says my family are so lucky to be surrounded by so many sweet treats, but to be honest, the novelty has worn off for the kids.

It is one of those quirks of human nature that you love the person whom you treat well, not necessarily the person who treats you well.

Deities can actually own property in India, though the law treats them as minors, and they must be represented by an official guardian.

I can’t say, "I eat whatever I want when I want," but I have come up with some great treats for myself that are healthy and satisfying.

The ultimate test of a society's freedom is not how it treats its good, obedient, compliant citizens; it's how it treats its dissidents.

This is the most intimate relationship between literature and its readers: they treat the text as a part of themselves, as a possession.

There's only one true superpower amongst human beings, and that is being funny. People treat you differently if you can make them laugh.

A business is good if it gives a decent day's reward for a decent day's work, treats people decently, and gives them a voice at the top.

When you treat your time as though you are a machine; a doing machine; you are committing violence against the sacredness of life itself.

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