Hip-hop is such a disposable art form from a business standpoint. It never treats its artists as art; it never treats its product as art.

It's not like I want someone to treat me badly. I want somebody who looks like they could treat me badly, but then really treats me good.

You have to treat every hour of television you're given like a $100 million movie, and with 'A.D.,' we stepped it up even a stage further.

The true greatness of a person, in my view, is evident in the way he or she treats those with whom courtesy and kindness are not required.

I think people think I spend loads but I very rarely treat myself. I could splash out on lots of things but I put my money into properties.

I am sick and tired of an administration that treats Raul Castro and Ayatollah Khamenei better than it treats the prime minister of Israel.

I love it when I come across a word I don't know. And I would never treat my audience like they weren't smart enough to come along with me.

I oppose the attempts of homosexual activists to treat homosexual activity as a civil right to be protected and promoted by the government.

It will be disastrous when a leader or manager shows up with one attitude one day and treats people with a different attitude the next day.

Certainly in North Korea, man is always superior to woman. Even the government treats women horribly. What is the slogan? Woman is a flower.

There are decent people that I know who don't know how to treat their partner. It's been built up so hard and so high that people are afraid.

Geology, in the magnitude and sublimity of the objects of which it treats, undoubtedly ranks, in the scale of the sciences, next to astronomy.

I spent a lot of time [between takes] apologising to Peter Dinklage [Dance's on-screen son, Tyrion Lannister] because I treat him appallingly.

A society will be judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members; and among the most vulnerable are surely the unborn and the dying.

When I go home to visit, they never treat me like a celebrity. They still treat me like TJ. If I leave dishes in the sink, they'll let me know.

Sweet treats are as much a part of our culture as they are our taste palettes, and it can sometimes seem as though sugary snacks are everywhere.

I do get massively distracted when I've got someone in my life, which I can't afford to do right now...besides, no one treats me as well as I do.

Oh - oh, why is it that the members of a family feel privileged to treat one another with a cruelty they would not exhibit to the merest stranger?

Make specific appointments with yourself to work on goals, and treat an appointment with yourself as you'd treat an appointment with anybody else.

You don't have to earn or deserve love. You are love. Loving is never about how others treat you. It is always about how you are treating yourself.

If you behave normally, people treat you normally. It's only when you act as if you're someone special that they feel obliged to stand on ceremony.

My act is so completely and totally uncensored that the only way I could really pull it off is if I treat the audience like they're my best friends.

Over the years, I've trained my hair to do what I say, and it's usually well behaved. I often reward my hair with special treats when it pleases me.

I've become convinced that every person should treat himself strictly and even rudely and distrustfully; it's difficult to tame the beast in oneself.

When an actor even after ten years of experience puts in effort and treats every day of her work as the first day in her career, she becomes an asset.

It's rare that I ever meet a musician who doesn't agree that music is a language. But it's very rare to meet a musician that really treats it like one.

I've learned that I want what I deny. I want someone who is crazy about me, who treats me like a princess. I want the picture-perfect fairy tale stuff.

If you treat every person you meet as if he or she were the most important person in the world, you'll communicate that he or she is somebody - to you.

Just as people behave to me, so do I behave to them. When I see that a person despises me and treats me with contempt, I can be as proud as any peacock.

Experts are human, and humans respond to incentives. How any given expert treats you, therefore, will depend on how that expert's incentives are set up.

Sales is the most important aspect of a company, which in turn is about how well you treat your customer and stay ahead of your customer's requirements.

You can't expect to work for the Daily Mail group and have the rest of society treat with you respect as a useful member of society, because you are not.

I animated 20 years at Terry Toons. It's important to know that animators like pizza and a raise once in a while, and you've got to treat them with love.

Let's treat politicians like Twinkies. They have to disclose their ingredients - i.e., where their money is from - but beyond that, let the buyer beware.

Hallmark Channel treats their actors and actresses with utmost respect. Their scripts remind of me of why entertainment exists in the first place: escape.

Never treat somebody’s cleverness as his life’s smartness. Cleverness is to hide the weakness and the smartness is to project the strength of his weakness.

It's cool when people know you more, but I like people to treat me regular when they see me. I take pictures. I don't really be big on people looking at me.

"You're really not that old." You know, the old grandpa thing - Grandpa Rossy with KB [Kris Bryant] and Rizz [Anthony Rizzo]. That's how everyone treats me.

Treat yourself as if you already are enough. Walk as if you are enough. Eat as if you are enough. See, look, listen as if you are enough. Because it's true.

I'm no libber. I like it when a man looks at me and treats me like a woman. I do think though, that women should get equal pay to a man doing the same thing.

Jane Austen is at the end of the line that begins with Samuel Richardson, which takes wonder and magic out of the novel, treats not the past but the present.

You're not human if you don't feel fear. But I've learnt to treat fear as an emotion that sharpens me. It's there to give me that edge for what I have to do.

Every religion implies that it treats the problem of being and nonbeing, life and death. Their languages are different, but they speak about the same things.

American women today want too much liberty; that's why they're unhappy. Because when an American man meets a woman, he treats her like a pal instead of a woman.

I think, increasingly, people will define success as staying in the League, being a stable Premier League club that treats its fans to good football every year.

The biggest problem with the beauty industry is that it treats its customers as if they have a lot to be corrected rather than things that should be highlighted.

It's always a treat to have something that lets me explore a different period. I do try to be a stickler, as much as I can, but luckily the writers are, as well.

A lot of my movies were completely destroyed by the censors, who can be pretty arbitrary. They're not completely fair with how they treat one person vs. another.

You won't find a better young actor than Jaeden Lieberher. I ended up having one of the best times with him, really. Going to work with him every day was a treat.

When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.

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