All I'm being offered now are parts that are authority figures. I've done that. And that's not what I want. I want something different.

Who you are is always enough. If your partner wants something different, it does not reflect upon you, but upon their needs and fantasies.

Even if you want something so badly, without talent, you can't even get the opportunity. You remain as the chorus for the rest of your life.

Please understand 1 thing, if u want something all you have to do is think it into existence. It may manifest immediately, it may take time.

If you want something and don't get it, there are only two reasons. You either really didn't want it, or you tried to bargain over the price.

If you don't have a dream in life, I don't know what you have. You have to want something beyond your reach; it's exciting when it works out.

My parents always told me that if you want something, you can do whatever you have to do to get it. As long as it's not against someone else.

My philosophy is that, in life, you have to want something. If you just say "la-la-la" and go through life without a goal, nothing will happen.

There is something I want-something I have come to get, and she fell deeper and deeper without knowing quite what it was, with her eyes closed.

Success is mostly driven by how badly you want something and how well you partner with other great people. It has to do with how hungry you are.

I'm one of the great unemployed looking for the next job. I'm waiting for the right offer. Like anyone, I want something that turns me on inside.

I love films where I'm looking around the world a little different now that I've seen that. I want something that nourishes my view of the world.

Don't listen to anybody who's trying to bring you down. There's so much negativity in the world. If you really want something, then you go for it.

When people are convinced you want something FOR them rather than something FROM them, they are less likely to be offended when you challenge them.

You want something to drink?” – Nick “Human blood would be fabulous. But since I doubt you’re donating, let me suffer for a minute longer.” – Caleb

Greed may not be good, but it’s not so bad either. You humans think greed is just for money or power, but everyone wants something they can’t have.

If I don't have anything to sacrifice, I don't have anything to gain. From the Bible I have learned if you want something good, you must sacrifice.

What does 'economic justice' mean, except that you want something that someone else produced, without having to produce anything yourself in return?

The worst thing to happen at the Oscars would be if nothing happened. You want something unscripted, something to riff on, something kinda out there.

If God wants something done, can it be done? I am personally convinced that no goal God has for my life is impossible, uncertain, nor can it be blocked.

Most crime fiction plots are not ambitious enough for me. I want something really labyrinthine with clues and puzzles that will reward careful attention.

I wear glasses because I don't want something tugging my eyeball, but I wouldn't consider myself a "nerd." I don't know what really makes someone a nerd.

I've always loved those movies where somebody thinks they want something, and then they realize that the thing they really want is right in front of them.

Whatever I do I've always done not because I want something but to compensate for a loss, to bring about a balance, to create amends, to make things right.

If you really want something , you can have it if you're willing to pay the price. And the price means you have to work better and harder than the next guy.

I would never want something I'm wearing or the way I'm dancing or something to overshadow what I'm doing. I'd rather grab people's attention with my voice.

The kids out there want something they can relate to, something that's real; most of that whiny stuff isn't real. The cheesy pop songs just bore me to death.

The only thing we all agree on, virtually every poet in this country, is that this Administration is really frightening, and we want something done about it.

If God doesn't want something for me, I shouldn't want it either. Spending time in meditative prayer, getting to know God, helps align my desires with God's.

Your being born makes your parents God. You owe them your life, and they can control you. Then puberty makes you Satan, just because you want something better.

I want something from Daddy that he is not able to give me. ... It is only that I long for Daddy's real love: not only as his child, but for me - Anne, myself.

Artistically I am still a child with a whole life ahead of me to discover and create. I want something, but I won't know what it is until I succeed in doing it.

Some of my favorite movies are action movies. You want something good to say. That comes from good writing. But writing is not a skill I possess, unfortunately.

The Jews generally give value. They make you pay; but they deliver the goods. In my experience the men who want something for nothing are invariably Christians.

As an actor, those are the roles that you long for. You always want something that's going to kick your last role out of the water and put you off on a new path.

One cannot sell anything to a satisfied man. Ergo, make him want something new, or take away something that he has and then sell him something to take its place.

If somebody tells me they want something or they want something to happen and if it's in my power to make it happen, I start working on it thinking they meant it.

Persistence is incredibly important. Persistence proves to the person you're trying to reach that you're passionate about something, that you really want something.

No one tells the truth to people they don't actually know, and if they do it is a horrible trait. Everyone wants something smaller, something neater than the truth.

You can fail in films because you don't have the talent, or you have too much humility, or you lack ferociousness. I'm a gangster. If I want something, I'll grab it.

It is exhausting knowing that most of the time the phone rings, most of the time there's an email, most of the time there's a letter, someone wants something of you.

I would tell anyone who wants something from someone else to feign not wanting it. People are perverse. If you show great affection to them, they'll run the other way.

Do we want something more from our car? ... To perhaps be a partner, a coach, someone that can use their understanding of the situation to help us reach our potential.

I think audiences ultimately want something new. I think the business model for a franchise is such that it's very low risk because you have data and studios love data.

You must have a bladder like Lake Erie. I think empires rose and fell in the time it took you to pee. I could hear it the whole time." Thank you. Do you want something?

So as soon as you want something to happen you begin skewing the data to support it. Our stuff is invaluable to decision-makers precisely because we have no ax to grind.

The American people think the government in Washington is too big. That it spends too much. And - and that it's totally out of control. They want something done about it.

If you want something you can't afford, think what else that money could buy: a week's groceries, a month's rent, or a weekend away. That will put things into perspective.

Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth.

When we start deceiving ourselves into thinking not that we want something... but that it is a moral imperative that we have it, that is when we join the fashionable madmen.

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