My entire business model is to go on offense.

The business model of racing is not a pretty one.

You have to have a business model you believe in and like.

The swamp is a business model. It's a successful business model.

Eviction is part of a business model at the bottom of the market.

Napster was predicating its business model on violation of copyright.

Textbook rental is a great concept. It is just a great business model.

You know your business model is broken when you're suing your customers.

I don't think Indian e-commerce companies have an evolved business model.

The more you drive positive change, the more enhanced your business model.

I always admired Netflix's business model; they are really good at what they do.

Large podcasts have a successful and sustainable business model in live show touring.

Fact is, inventing an innovative business model is often mostly a matter of serendipity.

If Youku had adopted YouTube's business model, we just would not be here. We would not exist.

If all we wanted to do was to make money on PC hardware, that wouldn't be a good business model.

You pick what your customers want, not what your entrenched business model may require you to do.

The business model is both the starting point and the scorecard for Customer Development progress.

In any business that grows big on one business model, transitions can throw everything in the air.

Money is available from investors as long as you have a great business model and a talented leader.

When I explained my business model to my family, they asked if I was going to open a travel agency.

I believe that at some point we should come up with a business model that would make us sustainable.

My job is to create a business model that's built on a platform that has the ability to change quickly.

What would the infrastructure of the Internet look like if mass surveillance wasn't its business model?

My original business model - I actually wrote this down - was 'interesting work for interesting people.'

It's not a long-term business model to take advantage of your consumers in ways that are not sustainable.

Our business model is primarily that of consulting, engineering, system integration, and managed services.

Information technology is at the core of how you do your business and how your business model itself evolves.

If everyone had a business model like Raven + Lily, I feel like the world would be an awesome place to live in.

Our movements and feelings are constantly monitored, because surveillance is the business model of the digital age.

A new DAO is like a startup. It requires a product/market fit, business model realization, and a lot of users/customers.

If you ask me, 'So what is your business model?' Our business model's always about shifting to higher value opportunities.

The token itself is not your new business model. What the token enables for you and for your users is the key part to focus on.

Face-to-face customer feedback refines or validates every component of the startup's business model, not just the product itself.

Our business model rises or falls on our ability to serve the artists. If others can do it better, the artists will go elsewhere.

We need not to just kill the boat-smuggling business model: we also need to get rid of this asylum-shopping in the European Union.

To me, the print business model is so simple, where readers pay a dollar for all the content within, and that supports the enterprise.

A new business model based on old principles of social justice where people matter - now that's a revolutionary way to reduce inequality.

Regardless of the perception that the talent may have or the Superstars may have, WWE's business model is 'give the fans what they want.'

I think that the problem with network television is that they cling to the whole business model like they are clinging to the side of a cliff.

We now understand the distinction between startups - who search for a business model - versus existing companies - that execute a business plan.

We have to have a business model that can be a sustainable and acceptable one to both regulators and the other stakeholders, clients, and investors.

People in retail banks are not smart. They have a business model that's quite difficult to not make money out of - but still they somehow manage it.

Visionary CEOs are not 'just' great at assuring world-class execution of a tested and successful business model: they are also world-class innovators.

A token is not a short term carrot, nor a stick for that matter. Just having a token doesn't mean that you have a working business model attached with it.

Asian online games are far ahead of Western games in terms of business model, but the Western games do have a real advantage in terms of production values.

Well, if you look back, in almost two and a half years, the biggest change probably was in late 2000 when we decided to totally change the CA business model.

Giving education away for free is a really good idea, but it can't be the future of education. There has to be a business model around it that actually works.

As a result of the digital age and the decline of first-class mail, there is no question that the Postal Service must change and develop a new business model.

Mahalo's business model is advertising. Yahoo, Google, Ask, AOL and MSN are all advertising-based. So I don't see anything wrong with advertising-based search.

The future of TOMS is really creating a whole new business model of this one-for-one giving and expanding the TOMS model from shoes into other products as well.

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