The biggest cowards are managers who don't let people know where they stand.

Dallas Austin... where do I begin? I adore him - he is one of the kindest people I know.

We cannot have this porous border, where people come in and out; we don't know who they are.

I've definitely gotten to the point where we get to the venue, and people know that I'm in charge of the band.

I come across as quite aggressive and quite in people's faces and everything like that, but I know where to draw the line.

When people are struggling, that's a painful place to be in, to not know who you are and where you belong and what you desire.

I know how to move the people, but I know also where to stop in my own actions so that, when I strike, I shall be felt and not seen.

You know, I'm not unwilling to listen to people just because where they're coming from. I'll listen to them, but I'm not going to be beholden to them.

There's five cameras, I don't know how many people in the audience... depending on where we're taping, there can be anywhere from 300 to 5,000 people, so the contestants are nervous.

Once I get out onstage, it's the same sort of basic production that it is anywhere else. But I might be a little bit aware that there might be people I know out there, who wondered where I was.

I think the things I wanted answered have been answered by people in the know that we can't talk about, so I'm perfectly happy with how Chewie came to be where he is and what is going on in Episode III.

I met people when we lived down in Raleigh who'd ask where I grew up, and I'd say about two hours west of Asheville, and they'd say they didn't know there was any North Carolina two hours west of Asheville. It was in many ways an isolated place.

Some people come out going, I don't get it. And I don't quite know what they're trying to get, what they're struggling for. We have had the reaction where people leave the movie sort of uncomfortable and befuddled. Although that wasn't our intention.

The Democratic chairman doesn't need to be a household name. Most people didn't know who Ron Brown was when he was chairman of the Democratic Party, but he put the party in a position where Bill Clinton could come in and he had a solid base to run from.

We're in transit so often and when we're moving from one place to the next and I have to be very alert and present and aware of where we are. You know, just like protecting our gear and making sure we get from one place to the next safely, being around so many people's energies. It's not just like a totally open and relaxed state to be in.

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