I think some people are really connected to who they were as children. And some people aren't.

I'm always afraid that I'm being unprofessional, yet I continue to sign all my e-mails 'xoxo.'

I can play very annoying girl, very lost girl and then all the things in the spectrum between.

I value my health and my happiness. And I've realized exercise can give me both of those things.

I started writing plays, but the fact that plays don't last forever was too much for me to bear.

I never start anything with a really overt, political, or even exactly artistic mission statement.

I would be a horrible girlfriend at this point in my life, because I’m both needy and unavailable.

When I graduated college I had a series of just humiliating jobs that I couldn't believe I was at.

Don't wait around for someone else to tell your story. Do it yourself by whatever means necessary.

If a young woman is looking at the landscape of Hollywood, what she sees is almost only challenges.

I went to an amazing school in Brooklyn called St. Anne's that's a really kind of creative hot bed.

sometimes I was so bored that I started arguments just to experience the rush of almost losing him.

I would rather spend my entire life doing nothing than have my name attached to something mediocre.

Survivors are so often re-victimized by a system that demands they prove their purity and innocence.

I think romantic comedy, when done right, is my favorite genre. It's just a genre that's very human.

I've never thought of myself as an actor, so somebody recognizing me for that would be a real shock.

I deserved kisses. I deserved to be treated like a piece of meat but also respected for my intellect.

Don't put yourself in situations you'd like to run away from. But when you run, run back to yourself.

I think of my body as a tool to do the stuff I need to do, but not the be all end all of my existence.

The thing that's so hard about being a kid is you don't have enough knowledge to explain things yourself.

I felt like my parents were always involved with abstraction, and I wanted to do something very specific.

It's funny, I never considered that people are going to see me on the show and maybe stop me on the subway.

The people accusing me of being productive don't know how hard it is for me to just bend my elbow sometimes.

The way in which you share your body must be a CHOICE. Support these women and do not look at these pictures.

Guys warning girls not to fall in love with them is so truly douchey that it should have a higher success rate.

My parents were open about sex. And my dad makes paintings that have a sexual component and it still scares me.

Throughout the day I often ask myself, Could I fall asleep right now? and the answer is always a resounding yes.

I've only recently realized that I have a radically different relationship with my parents than a lot of people.

I've had moments of deep self-involvement that didn't come from a place of loving myself but quite the opposite.

For me, my life goal is to be in a position where I can wear pajamas 24 hours a day. That's what makes me happy.

Here's who it's okay to share a bed with: . . . A heating pad. An empty bag of pita chips. The love of your life.

I feel like you don't know if someone's equipped for a romantic relationship until they're out of their twenties.

That's the feeling [of relativity] I always had about [Judy Blume] books which I re-read and re-read and re-read.

I love directing scenes that I'm not in because suddenly I really feel like a filmmaker which is a different thing.

Part of being a feminist is giving other women the freedom to make choices you might not necessarily make yourself.

I would have specific books [when I was 12 or 13] that had pages that I knew had sex on them that I would go and read.

Let's call a spade a spade - a lot of times when you are a vegetarian it is a just not very effective eating disorder.

The end never comes when you think it will. It's always ten steps past the worst moment, then a weird turn to the left.

You know, when I first started making online videos, there were a lot of filmmakers I befriended who were doing it too.

Artists themselves are neurotic and fearful people, and you can look at their work and figure out what they're scared of.

I do think girls in their twenties accept certain kinds of lesser treatment than they would at other times in their lives.

I quit acting when I was 11 because I was cast as a bouncing ball in 'Alice in Wonderland,' and I felt slighted and wounded.

My uncle's a lawyer and I remember going to see him in court and thinking, 'That's cool, too bad I could never be a lawyer.'

I'm really lucky because I surround myself onset with people who I really trust to give me feedback, so I'm directing myself.

Once, my little sister was walking down the street in her thick black glasses, and a homeless man muttered, Talk nerdy to me.

I'm not jealous in traditional ways - of boyfriends or babies or bank accounts - but I do covet other women's styles of being.

I am not a particularly political person, but, as a Tribeca resident, the commodification of September 11th is offensive to me.

The experience of directing yourself in a sex scene is, in a way, great. It's the fantasy we all have in our lives all the time.

It's almost like when you're young, your friends take on the romance role, and then guys take on the role of your friends later.

It would probably be too easy a cop out to say that just Republican males hate me. Though there's a large swath of them, for sure.

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