Being unprepared heightens nerves.

Pressure comes from being unprepared.

Do the unexpected, attack the unprepared.

Only the unprepared are overcome by pressure

How unprepared we are for a terrorist attack.

Pressure is self-doubt when you're unprepared.

The unprepared speaker has a right to be afraid.

Magnificently unprepared for the long littleness of life.

Failure knocks the door of the unprepared minds very often.

Being unprepared makes me nervous. I'm old-fashioned show folk.

I think pressure is that uneasy feeling that you feel when you're unprepared.

Always be ready; always live in such a way that death can never find you unprepared.

Don't complain about not getting a chance and then be unprepared when you finally do.

Pressure comes when someone calls on you to perform a task for which you are unprepared.

I am very much a seat-of-the-pants actor. I will prepare when I have to. But I like being unprepared.

When I began modelling I was completely unprepared for the onslaught of curiosity it carried with it.

I was completely unprepared for the public spectacle my private life became, and didn't like it a bit.

You can't go into the cage and not love it, and you can't go in there unprepared. You have to prepare.

Many's the audition I waltzed into unprepared and wondered why I didn't get it. I learned the hard way.

Those who are unprepared to demonstrate tolerance cannot expect or even demand tolerance for themselves.

I will not go into a story unprepared. I will do my homework, and that's something I learned at an early age.

If someone takes you out, and you're wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt, and they take you to a fancy place and you're unprepared, that's bad.

Lower standards tell students that they don't need to work hard and leave more high school students unprepared for college and the workplace.

I think at one point there were three television channels showing 'Starcraft' tournaments in South Korea. We were so unprepared for its success.

You see, some lawyers have the talent, have the charisma, but no discipline. They come into court unprepared, without having done their research.

Elite private-school educations leave students unprepared for a standardized test with which their public school counterparts are innately familiar.

Among the good and decent men, some are unprepared for the surprises of life, and their good intentions run aground when confronted with issues like child care.

Money is my military, each dollar a soldier. I never send my money into battle unprepared and undefended. I send it to conquer and take currency prisoner and bring it back to me.

You always have to prepare for the obstacles that are going to come. Consequently, when they do come, it doesn't affect you mentally near as much as when you're unprepared for them.

The dumbing down of elementary and secondary education has made its way to the collegiate level; too many unprepared students are admitted despite their inability to do college-level work.

I never know what I'm going to do for the Post next. Two weeks ago I had a piece on Homeland Security. This is one of my pig ongoing projects. How unprepared we are for a terrorist attack.

And they will tell you unequivocally that if we have a chemical or biological attack or a nuclear attack anywhere in this country, they are unprepared to deal with it today, and that is of high urgency.

I never don't know my lines. I never take the audition pages into the room. I end up relying on them or looking at them too much, and it makes me feel unprepared, so I always learn my lines without fail.

I like to be prepared enough to be completely unprepared. I don't know if I make sense, but I have a fantasy of living someone else's life. And to do that perfectly, I need to prepare myself just as properly.

High school was interesting, because I went from a public school middle school to an academy where the first year we were doing Latin, chemistry, biology. I mean, I was woefully unprepared for the type of study.

My experiences have shown me that when an opportunity bigger than you comes along and you feel unprepared and doubtful, it is important to permit those emotions and let that energy drive you and inspire you to move forward.

Before 'Local Hero,' I'd been knocking about Glasgow in rock bands, drinking too much and generally being 21. My opinion of actors was that they were straight and boring, so you see, I was completely unprepared for being one.

As a young girl, I was too intent on getting to London and drama school and out of east Yorkshire to think about winning Oscars. I did win a Bafta once, and was so unprepared for it I jabbered on for a minute - a minute too long.

I grew up playing on unprepared surfaces where your wicket depended on quickly adapting to the bounce. As a kid, I could never differentiate off-spin from leg-spin. All I looked to do was to try to hit the ball before it pitched.

People are released from prison so unprepared. They give you $200. We call it gate money. And you have to pay for a bus ticket back to L.A. You get off the Greyhound bus, downtown Skid Row, and you're supposed to make a life from that.

I was only a young girl of 13 when my father passed away from a sudden heart attack, leaving us unprepared to take on life without him. We had been protected from life's challenges so far. But without warning, all that changed overnight.

Let me just say that I'm the only candidate in this race now that has any firsthand experience fighting terrorism. And both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I think, have proven in different ways that they're unprepared for that challenge.

It is inconceivable that even the gang who runs Russia would be willing to take on war, but one always has to remember that there seemed to be no reason in 1939 for Hitler to start war, and yet he did, and he started it with a world practically unprepared.

We were totally unprepared for such a large quantity of visitors, and in view of the preservation of the antiquities they being very crowded and in poor preservation, we were obliged to refuse admission until some preparation was made to safeguard the objects.

I was sure I'd set the world on fire, and it was hard for a young feller like me to realize the truth - that I hadn't set the world on fire, and I was totally unprepared to handle the consequences if 'The Big Trail' had been a success and launched me as a star.

Donald Trump - you can say a lot of negative things about him, and I do, and I think he's completely unprepared for the office, and he lacks the fabric to lead this nation, but if there's one thing that he understands, it's branding and how to navigate the media.

By the time I got to 'St Vincent,' I had shot so many scenarios I was ready for anything - I've shot kangaroos, I've shot dogs, cats, crowds, fight scenes, stunts, comedy, drama, handheld, dolly, helicopter, crane - I just felt that there was nothing I was unprepared for.

We were so unprepared that when my husband took off to get groceries, and we'd adopted a 3-year-old, he came back with baby formula, a steak and a teething ring. We had no idea what we were doing. But you learn. There's no way to fully prepare. Just eyes wide open - jump.

I try to create an environment where it's okay to make a mistake, though it's not okay to be unfocused or come in unprepared. I'm challenging and demanding, but very patient. I don't tell you how to get there and I don't show you what to do, though I'll ask leading questions.

During my first open ocean dive, I went down to 800 feet and turned out the lights. I knew I would see bioluminescence, but I was totally unprepared for how much. It was incredible! There were explosions of light everywhere, like being in the middle of a silent fireworks display.

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