I felt very comfortable moving from aerospace to automobiles.

Goodrich was the biggest acquisition in the history of aerospace.

I am looking forward to even greater healings and miracles in my ministry.

I left Aerospace because I wanted to go build, and put spacecraft together.

I just looked at him because I want to be looking in someone's eyes when I die.

I own a small aerospace company that does some business with the U.S. government.

Aerospace services represents one of our biggest growth opportunities for the future.

If you see somebody running down the street naked every single day, you stop looking up.

I wanted to be an aerospace engineer because I really like space. But I didn't go to the army.

I could be a lot happier. I could be the senator from Aerospace taking bribes, and be quite happy.

I am the kind of person that takes everything as is and then look at it from the outside looking in.

I was interested in aerospace and flying, and the U.S. is really the best place in the world for flying.

If you want to work in engineering and to have an impact that's global, come work in the aerospace sector.

Everybody thinks about Bo Derek as being this extravagant looking lady but she is also a wonderful actress.

I play Hopkins' daughter. Brad Pitt plays Death. He's a very-good looking Death. With him, dying isn't so bad.

We have neglected our aerospace program, and I am detecting a lot of bipartisan support to continue that mission.

The biggest benefit of Apollo was the inspiration it gave to a growing generation to get into science and aerospace.

Casting is sort of like looking at paintings. You don't know what you'll like, but you recognize it when you see it.

Our aerospace industry is a British success story which relies on Airbus - a collaboration with other E.U. countries.

I don't know why I always liked aerospace engineering. I was in the 10th grade when I figured that's what I wanted to do.

UTC is very well positioned to take advantage of 2 large megatrends: urbanization and the fast-growing commercial aerospace market.

We are working with the power industry all over the world. We are meeting customers in aerospace and getting them to tour our plants.

The great mistake these people make is that they go to looking after the spiritual welfare of the Indians before securing their physical.

Most people spend their whole lives looking for the right job. There are others who never get an opportunity to do work that fulfils them.

The alleviation of human error, whether design or intrinsically human, continues to be the most important problem facing aerospace safety.

In many critical things, such as the very high purity of the aluminium we need in aerospace, we only have one producer. That's not a good formula.

Looking back, I realize that nurturing curiosity and the instinct to seek solutions are perhaps the most important contributions education can make.

Very quickly a painting is turned into a facsimile of itself when one becomes so familiar with with it that one recognizes it without looking at it.

It's hard for bands to stick it out because people grow up, and it never really pays off. If you're looking for some sort of payoff, it's not gonna happen

I've always thought of Boeing as the premier aerospace company in the world, so as I was coming up through school, it was the company I aspired to work for.

It was really tough to race the GS a day after the downhill, but that's over now. I'm looking forward for the rest of the season which is also quite interesting.

UTC Aerospace Systems has a couple of million dollars of content on every single aircraft that gets delivered. That's the chutes, the electric system, rotors, etc.

The U.S. is looking to India as more then just a marketplace for our defense products, but as a technology, aerospace and strategic partner for our future endeavors.

The U.S. is looking to India as more then just a marketplace for our defense products, but as a technology, aerospace and strategic partner for our future endeavors.

After I finished my master's degree, I moved to a company called Aerospace Corporation, a big think tank for the U.S. Air Force and the National Reconnaissance Office.

You can say that this is just what aerospace medicine is all about - to save the lives of the men who climb to the high reaches above the Earth and beyond this planet.

I was probably 35 when I wrote the first story. The voice is kind of a mix in that it has a young voice, but it's also someone who's looking back. I like that kind of double vision.

My brother's an aerospace engineer who works for Boeing, and I started thinking, 'Well, my brother works nine hours a day at his job... What if I worked nine hours a day at being an actor?'

Look at the aerospace industry as it was just after the Kennedy talk. We were hiring like crazy. We were trying to get people graduated from college. Hey, you got to go to the program. We need you.

The pilots I worked with in the aerospace industry were willing to put on almost anything to keep them safe in case of a crash, but regular people in cars don't want to be uncomfortable even for a minute.

Fundamentally, we have broken our aerospace business into three parts - large parts which go into the wings and fuselage, components for jet engines, and specialised structural components for landing gear.

Several other aerospace and defense firms have announced plans to build facilities in north Mississippi in recent weeks. They join an impressive group of high-tech companies already doing business in our region.

Britain, however, has ended up specializing in the ones you don't see as much of: defense aerospace, making drive shafts for cars, pills and drugs, designing chips that go into 94 percent of the world's mobile phones.

In this industry, there's a lot of cases of being a competitor in one way, but you're often a customer and a vendor in another way. It's not atypical in aerospace. Actually, it's not that atypical in a lot of industries.

If the U.S. doesn't have an export credit agency, which is what the Export-Import Bank is, then we can't compete with other countries that do. Every other country in the world that competes in aerospace has an export credit agency.

Science fiction was rocket-mad for about 40 years until aerospace hit a brick wall about 1970. I would not write off space colonisation or exploration completely, but we are profoundly ill adapted for going boldly into outer space.

I'm an engineer. I studied physics and engineering. In fact, in 1978 I started working as an aerospace engineer with General Dynamics. I used to test cruise missiles, space systems, I worked on the first generation of cruise missile.

People put themselves in difficult situations in lots of different areas. What you count on is people taking every precaution. The aerospace industry is unique in this aspect because a thousandths-of-an-inch mistake can cause spectacular failures.

In the space business, space had gotten very much to be the aerospace industry. This is something that governments only do and it's where the Boeings and the Lockheed's and the Northrop's and so forth. And there's no way these small companies could do it.

We have sectors of the economy, aerospace is a good example, where Britain's probably the second country in the world, the automobile sector, where we've done extraordinarily well, an enormous amount of investment over the last couple of years, life sciences is another.

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