New York ladies all look immaculate.

Fashion should be fun and accessible.

Red is the ultimate cure for sadness.

My dream is to save them from nature.

I look for friends who make me laugh.

I'd rather buy clothes then buy a bed

A woman with good shoes i never ugly!

Fashion is in the sky, in the street.

We all have a Wonder Woman inside us.

Don't be afraid of your own strength.

Italy will always have the best food.

Emphasize comfort without compromise.

Jeans represent democracy in fashion.

I dreamed of fashion as a little boy.

50s cheesecake meets Eskimo fake fur.

Flirting is conversational chemistry.

I don't make clothes for the critics.

If you want easy, don't pick fashion.

Women are women, and hurray for that.

I only know how to play one role: me.

Don't use your film for ugly purpose.

Black, like white, is the best color!

I am only six foot three, by the way.

You put high heels on and you change.

I've only dealt with fabulous brides!

I'm very visionary, very big picture.

My idea is always to avoid nostalgia.

Ugly is attractive. Ugly is exciting.

I'm a jeans and t-shirt type of girl.

Many people look but they do not see.

The best fashion accessory is a book.

My clothes are very popular in Japan.

I am a huge believer in social media.

Fame should be left to the film stars.

There is certainly a red for everyone.

My dream is to save women from nature.

You need ego but mine is not blinding.

I'd rather buy clothes than buy a bed.

I have only one curiosity left: death.

Everything looks cute when it's small.

I gave up on my looks a long time ago.

Every problem has a creative solution.

I think I was a nomad in another life.

We always come back to our first love.

I can never really comment on rumours.

I can be very modern and experimental.

I am an idealist, which can be tiring.

Fashion is above all an art of change.

We cater for fashion-conscious people.

You can't be all things to all people.

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