Avant-garde is French for bullshit

Everything changes but the avant-garde.

The avant-garde makes more sense to me.

Product design is fed by the avant-garde.

It's hard / Keeping up with the avant-garde.

The avant-garde is now stranded in the past.

Art is art. Everything else is everything else.

Innovation, being avant garde, is always polemic.

I can imagine an utter hatred for the jazz avant-garde.

I love doing supercrazy, avant-garde but still stunning looks.

I am neither in the past, nor avant-garde. My style follows life.

The only place Avant Garde looks good is in the words Avant Garde.

If I paint like a barbarian, it's because we live in a barbarous age

Hitchcock is the most-daring avant-garde film-maker in America today.

No genuinely avant-garde artist should ever be on the government dole.

In London, I did feel a pressure to be more avant-garde than I wanted.

I like to wear things that are daring but also not seem too avant-garde.

The menu de degustation is the finest expression of avant-garde cooking.

Avant-garde art jousts with propriety, but takes care never to unseat it.

Bands on tour are very good cultivators of what's the avant-garde of comedy.

I don't appreciate avant-garde, electronic music. It makes me feel quite ill.

The avant-garde feel important, but they hardly understand what they're doing.

I do not like to be thought of as avant-garde or some kind of didactic artist.

Vampires pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires ... How avant-garde!

In an avant-garde cooking restaurant, it's the experience that's the difference.

We should all be involved in the avant-garde as long as we look toward the past.

It is not necessary to be too avant-garde, because you risk not being understood.

You can't define the future. And in my opinion, you can't define the avant-garde.

Yes, I am Aboriginal but I have the right to be avant-garde like any white artist.

'Network' was formidable in the sense that I was playing a strong, avant-garde woman.

I like things that are avant-garde, but at the same time I can also go downtown edgy.

Avant-garde is the one area of music that has never changed. It doesn't mean anything.

In short, it occurred to me that perhaps the only possible avant garde is the avant garden.

The avant-garde is to the left what jingoism is to the right. Both are a refuge in nonsense.

I got into trad jazz, then modern jazz, then avant-garde jazz, between the ages of 16 to 18.

Men are definitely getting more avant-garde, experimenting with colours, patterns and fabrics.

Picasso never thought of himself as avant-garde. I just find it a bad way to think of yourself.

I still feel that sincerity and realism are avant-garde, or can be, just as I did when I started out.

There is a place for visionaries and the avant-garde in this world, but not at 9 o'clock on a network.

I expect the hip-hop audience to be avant garde. I want them to be where I'm at or beyond where I'm at.

Bjork has this kind of abstraction and formalism that you associate with art music or avant-garde music.

I suppose I could try to be some avant-garde artist if I wanted to, but that doesn't interest me as much.

I never thought of myself as being in the avant-garde. I said what I had to say, as I was able to say it.

I'm certainly not in the business of making anything or anyone seem avant-garde. I make them feel beautiful.

When I was a kid, the avant-garde to me was boring because it was just the flip side of being really successful.

I like fantasy. I like horror, science fiction because I can get avant-garde with those performances in those movies.

I want to communicate to the everyday person. I don't want to just roll around in my own avant-garde pool of coolness.

Avant-garde music is sort of research music. You're glad someone's done it but you don't necessarily want to listen to it.

I don't think all music that is considered 'avant-garde' is bad, but it's definitely elitist. I hope my music is not that.

We will have to create an avant-garde.... We could have a Union for the enlarged Europe, and a Federation for the avant-garde.

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