Beating Madrid is not impossible.

My heart was beating out of my chest.

Beating John Landy was my defining race.

My God, he looks like he's beating a chicken.

Could it think, the heart would stop beating.

Beating a guy like Bader, that's a big thing.

I can't build myself by beating somebody down.

I'm not going to stop beating up on the unions.

I'm here to compete and to keep beating people up.

Sometimes I only succeed in beating myself to death.

I know I am more than capable of beating Carl Froch.

The only thing my old man ever gave me was a beating.

It's rule number one, really - beating your teammate.

I'll never forget beating Steve Spurrier and Tampa Bay.

I don't like the idea of beating birds. I'm vegetarian.

If I got a beating for something, I usually deserved it.

I prefer beating Real Madrid to beating Manchester City!

I feel confident, especially about beating good players.

I'm happy out of my mind. I like beating a lot of people.

I stay in Chennai but my heart is beating for Kannada films.

I was ten when I got my first serious beating. It was rough.

I'm really going to put a stamp on my career by beating Cruz.

Court McGee is definitely a name worth fighting - and beating.

You do take a beating in professional wrestling. But I love it.

There's no use beating yourself up about what you can't change.

The trains were the beating heart of the New York graffiti scene.

Beating the Germans for the first time in our history was massive.

The goal never changes. It's about beating the guy in front of you.

Women can stand a beating except when it is with their own weapons.

If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize.

Yet would we die as some have done, beating a way for the rising sun.

Beating up on the so-called elite media has a nice populist ring to it.

Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.

Beating the tea party gang is more important than who does the beating.

I'm not going to stop beating up on the Democrats for wasteful spending.

There's no better feeling than beating someone who's up on a high horse.

I lost races because I wanted too much to win them in beating my rivals.

It was tough to overcome Lockridge. I damaged my right hand beating him.

For 200 years we've been conquering nature. Now we're beating it to death.

When it is good, theatre takes a lot of beating both to watch and perform.

I'm not going to make my living out of beating my head against somebody else.

When a man keeps beating me to the draw mentally, he begins to get glamorous.

Beating the drums for Hawaii is not hard to do... the place just grows on you.

I'm knocking fools out. I'm beating guys because that's what I was born to do.

There are times when you throw an interception and you're beating yourself up.

A tough guy, to me, stands for something, and he's not afraid to get a beating.

My biggest moment was me beating Stone Cold Steve Austin to win the championship.

The Watson fight was the worst beating I ever took in a ring, but I couldn't quit.

I really love that 'I Can Feel the Heart Beating as One' Yo La Tengo record a lot.

When a politician bends the truth or a CEO breaks a promise, trust takes a beating.

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