As long as I'm healthy and can keep going that's what I'll do.

I always remember having a healthy respect for my grandmother.

Healthy vanity sweeps through life. Sickly vanity lies in bed.

An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.

You have to exercise, or at some point you'll just break down.

...housing activity will remain healthy for some time to come.

It's not difficult for me to stay healthy. I like healthy food.

I eat very clean foods, healthy foods and drink a lot of water.

Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.

A scientist ought to have a healthy disregard for coincidences.

Once you lose the weight, you're really anxious to eat healthy.

Asanas keep your body, as well as your mind, healthy and active

He who wants to become a Bhakta must be strong, must be healthy.

Great sport begins at a point where it has ceased to be healthy.

Simple pleasures are the last healthy refuge in a complex world.

I don't know one actor that became an actor for healthy reasons.

Sugar is not so sweet to the palate as sound to the healthy ear.

The only healthy communication style is assertive communication.

Practice excited thinking until you become excited and exciting.

I try to maintain a healthy dose of daydreaming, to remain sane.

A healthy sex life. Best thing in the world for a woman's voice.

Sit mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body)

I like to stay fit, because [that's when] I feel really healthy.

Everything was perfectly healthy and normal here in Denial Land.

All men have an instinct for conflict: at least, all healthy men.

A healthy desire for wealth is not greed. It's a desire for life.

You have to support your children to have a healthy relationship.

Knowing how to age and not being afraid of aging is very healthy.

Without a healthy team spirit you won't get anywhere in football.

Be happy, healthy, and let all that love flow through your heart.

All that running and exercise can do for you is make you healthy.

In business, competition is never as healthy as total domination.

Anything that keeps a politician humble is healthy for democracy.

As long as I can be physically healthy, I don't mind being curvy.

If you keep performing, and if you stay healthy, you keep playing.

The world needs awakened souls the way a body needs healthy cells.

You best teach others about healthy boundaries by enforcing yours.

I am of a healthy long lived race, and our minds improve with age.

Tears are often a gift from God, and sadness is a healthy emotion.

Unless we keep this planet healthy, everything else is for naught.

My body mirrors my state of mind. I am healthy, whole and complete

It's true that I have a very healthy ego; anybody who creates does.

The connection between education and a healthy economy is critical.

Washington has always had a pretty healthy amount of self-loathing.

I think it's healthy for a person to be nervous. It means you care.

By living in harmony with Nature one gains a healthy mind and body.

It wasn't a healthy attitude, but it wasn't really a healthy world.

I think the most important thing is being in healthy relationships.

You don't want to eat haute cuisine all the time; it's not healthy.

Friends become wiser together through a healthy clash of viewpoints.

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