You cannot buy your health; you must earn it through healthy living.

Healthy thinking is a habit, just like neurotic thinking is a habit.

You can derive everything that is healthy for yourself in the woods.

A cheerful face is nearly as good for an invalid as healthy weather.

I truly believe that age - if you're healthy - age is just a number.

I don't have any stress. I'm very lucky. I live a very healthy life.

I've never quite trusted water; I don't think it's entirely healthy.

Depression is an illness and not a necessary part of healthy living.

Love is staying up all night with a sick child - or a healthy adult.

Eating healthy and exercising won't help you if it's only temporary.

A basic tenet of healthy democracy is open dialogue and transparency

I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, happy and I am loved.

Political debate is political debate and that's fine. That's healthy.

Popeyes and Taco Bell. I try to be healthy, but they're just so good.

We need community action and policies to support healthy communities.

When you have a healthy appetite there is no such thing as bad bread.

You don't have to be rich to be healthy. That's such a misconception.

I have a healthy body, free of the chemicals that once controlled it.

I go to coffee shops for my outlet. Which is just not healthy at all.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

We need community action and policies to support healthy communities.

It's one thing to lose weight, but it's another thing to eat healthy.

There's something so healthy about young people speaking up in unity.

Understand that you have the ability to get healthy and stay healthy.

If I could gain 1,000 pounds and be healthy, I would love to do that.

Remember, there is nothing wrong with a healthy sense of self-respect.

How good it is to be well-fed, healthy, and kind all at the same time.

I just want my children to be happy. I want my children to be healthy.

What I do to take care of my heart is exercise and try to eat healthy.

I eat healthy most of the time, but I love chocolate. I can't help it!

I am no stranger to healthy competition-wor king hard and playing hard

In a healthy state of the organism all wounds have a tendency to heal.

How you eat tells your genes what type of body you want to have later.

Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy, wealthy, and dead.

We don't have to sacrifice a strong economy for a healthy environment.

I became vegan in 2006 when I started taking healthy eating seriously.

An educated patient is empowered; thus, more likely to become healthy.

Growing up in the north of Holland, I had a healthy and balanced diet.

Disobedience to authority is one of the most natural and healthy acts.

I feel very fortunate to be healthy, so I try to take advantage of it.

I'm a healthy weight for my height, and I like how I look on most days.

hate isn't healthy, it damages the hater more than the one who's hated!

And he that will this health deny, Down among the dead men let him lie.

I contemplate the body, dead and diseased as well as alive and healthy.

My main goal now is waking up healthy every day and going on with life.

Mental health and mental balance is critical to leading a healthy life.

I try to have five meals per day, with a few healthy snacks in between.

I believe that everyone has the right to live a happy and healthy life.

Healthy, well-informed, balanced criticism is the ozone of public life.

I tend to eat pretty healthy, though, and I work out - I work out hard.

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