Iraq has a tremendous amount of history.

I've learned a tremendous amount from Oprah.

For 40 years, I put my body through a tremendous amount of work.

I always say a tremendous amount of healing is in your own hands.

There's a tremendous amount of humor... in very unexpected places.

I'm not a doctor. I just have a tremendous amount of common sense.

I'm blessed with the fact that I don't need a tremendous amount of sleep.

There's a tremendous amount of energy in Japan and, increasingly, in China.

There are a tremendous amount of environmental issues that are on the table.

I learned a tremendous amount about dialogue because I suffered as an actor.

I have always had tremendous amount of patience, compassion and forgiveness.

The gaming enthusiast that buys a tremendous amount of games is truly insatiable.

We're learning a tremendous amount of propaganda from television and the Internet.

From my point of view, there is a tremendous amount to be said for secular humanism.

I think there's a tremendous amount of unacknowledged hostility in American culture.

There's something to be said for being given a tremendous amount of freedom as an actor.

There's been a tremendous amount of work that's been done that you can't see in Columbia.

I've found there to be a tremendous amount of East Coast snobbery in the journalism world.

Past performance speaks a tremendous amount about one's ability and likelihood for success.

In my work, there's a tremendous amount of rejection and waves of fertile and fallow times.

It was a privilege to meet Rev. Jackson, and I learned a tremendous amount from his insight.

Everything that David Chase does has a tremendous amount of specificity. He is very detail oriented.

My mother has a tremendous amount of pride and self-respect. She won't take assistance from anybody.

I give a tremendous amount of weight to the mental aspect of physical activity and what it does for me.

Songs give you incredible opportunity to convey a tremendous amount in a relatively short period of time.

I don't like a tremendous amount of conflict. I don't think that fighting and passion are the same thing.

There's a tremendous amount to be gained from being a performer, and being an artist, and being an actor.

I think economics - and this is what I've tried to impart - has a tremendous amount of human interest in it.

I think to make any relationship work it just takes a tremendous amount of effort and accepting of one another.

I always had a tremendous amount of rage about the business, and I thought turning that into comedy was healthy.

Inaccurate analysis produces faulty insights and bad decisions - which lead to losing a tremendous amount of money.

Awards can give you a tremendous amount of encouragement to keep getting better, no matter how young or old you are.

Run toward the hardest problems. This approach has helped me to learn a tremendous amount from both success and failure.

I love to play. I love, opera, hiking and museums. The one thing I don't do is sit. I have a tremendous amount of energy.

Engineers have shown to embody a tremendous amount of leadership skills through the collaborative educational environment.

It was never really one of my goals to gain tremendous amount of celebrity or make a tremendous amount of money necessarily.

I feel like my grandparents and parents gave me a tremendous amount. And if I can pass some of that on, then I'll be very happy.

A tremendous amount of needless pain and suffering can be eliminated by ensuring that health insurance is universally available.

Women who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer can learn a tremendous amount from women who have already been treated.

I do find comedy difficult. I don't know why. Maybe I think about it too much. There's a tremendous amount of pressure to be funny.

I had a tremendous amount of gay friends, so my whole life was basically like that... I never noticed who was gay or who was straight.

I have so much respect for directors. It's a tremendous amount of pressure; you have to keep steadfast and keep what you know is right.

I've learned a tremendous amount. I've gained a lot of experience competing at the highest level with the best drivers in the world in F1.

I think there's a tremendous amount of guilt that goes on between mothers and daughters, no matter how good or bad their relationships are.

I made a tremendous amount of money on real estate. I'll take real estate rather than go to Wall Street and get 2.8 percent. Forget about it.

Tom Brady has given a tremendous amount of happiness joy and amazement to people all over New England and to fans outside New England as well.

There's still a tremendous amount of homophobia in our culture. It's regrettable, it's stupid, it's heartless, and it's immoral, but there it is.

I live in Santa Fe, New Mexico. And I travel a tremendous amount. I'm in New York and California a lot, but then also I like faraway places a lot.

I remember how I would wait for a play idea. I wasted a tremendous amount of time. I didn't realize that ideas could be made into movies or novels.

Shakespeare is so fundamental to the way we see story. A tremendous amount of narratives come from him - more than many authors are aware, I think.

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