People look at my six days in the week to see what I mean on the seventh.

I look at ordinary objects, and I see things that other people don't see. That's why I'm a photographer.

You look out in our audiences, you don't see a sea of white-haired people. You see a lot of younger people.

Years down the line, when people look at my filmography, I'd like them to see a legacy of new-age content films.

Examples is more forcible than precept. People look at my six days in the week to see what I mean on the seventh.

People look at my legs and they see I can make big plays, but they don't really see my arm, and I make big plays with my arm.

I was intimidated when I started with WWF. I would see all these people I used to watch on TV, and I thought, 'Wow! Look at them.'

One challenge in this industry is that you adopt a certain look for a movie, and then people don't get to see the movie for a year!

When I look at a lot of older stuff that I've written, I think one sign of amateur humor writing is when you see people trying too hard.

Have you ever had one of those moments when you look up and realize that you're one of those people you see on the train talking to themselves?

We're just being ourselves and having fun playing baseball. The biggest thing is when people look at our team, they can see that we're having a lot of fun.

I try to maintain a high level of coolness. Which means I've gotta look at lot of magazines. I've gotta look at a lot of ads to see what people want to wear.

I see them turn around to get a second look. You hear a lot of people laugh at you. So what? I used to get upset about it, but not anymore. You know, laugh all you can.

Hopefully people can look at our band and see that we're a heavy rock band. We're definitely not a metal band, but we're a band that focuses on meaningful lyrics and melody.

Look, I certainly couldn't say that my unusual upbringing didn't lend itself to becoming an actor - of course it did. People want to see what Edward and Joanna's son can do.

If you see most people neglect the Bible, and many that can read never look into it, let it not harden you and make you think lightly of it, and that it is a book of no worth.

I have to say that as an actor, I really look for the role. I'm not really looking to see if it's for television or film, because there are highly talented people in both mediums.

As young people, you want to see people who in some way look like you to some degree, because it makes it a little easier for you to aspire to take on the qualities of those people.

I like to look at scenarios and see how people interact with each other. That's why I'm an actor because I try to recreate that. Since our daughter joined us the spectrum has widened.

When people spot Fallon in public, they do not shriek or drool or go wobbly in the knees. It's a different look entirely. A tilt of the head, mouth agape, eyebrows rolled like you do when you see a puppy.

When I do all-hands calls - and I do a lot of all-hands calls - and I look out across 50 people, or 5,000 people, I see United States sailors. I do not see male sailors, or female sailors, and I do not think anybody else does, either.

But a lot of businesses out there don't see the return on investment, they look at it as a liability, and until they can understand that proactive security actually returns, gives them a return on investment, it's still a hard sell for people.

Liberace was a miracle. You talk about who he was and what he did, and then you look at who he inspired, from Elton John to Cher to Michael Jackson to Bette Midler. There are so many people that came to see him. Elvis was there, watching his shows.

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