With the Mongolian horse warfare, I did a lot of research into the Mongol art of war.

We worked and worked, didn't get anywhere. That's how you know you're doing research.

I did no research on The Best Man. That was something that came out from my own head.

Research is a way of taking calculated risks to bring about incalculable consequences.

Research is of considerable importance in certain fields, such as science and history.

But with nonfiction, the task is very straightforward: Do the research, tell the story

Anything that you can do a tiny bit of research about, I'll turn it into an obsession.

Of course much remains to know, but we know how to learn: through scientific research.

We don't ask research to do what it was never meant to do, and that is to get an idea.

If you steal from one person is Theft, and if you steal from Lots of people is Research

Manufacturers account for nearly 60 percent of all industrial research and development.

Here's the thing about 'Cabin in the Woods.' I did virtually no research on this movie.

But with nonfiction, the task is very straightforward: Do the research, tell the story.

When I started on my research, I never expected I could invent the LED and laser diode.

The idea led me into the research, which continues to give me more ideas for the story.

It was eerie. I saw myself in that machine. I never thought my work would come to this.

I have always focused on basic research, motivated by a desire to understand the world.

I'm allergic to the word 'important' in film and theatre. Cancer research is important.

As much research as you think you're doing, you're going to mess up, without a question.

I fervently believe in research as a necessity for good design, and I teach it that way.

I've got research, I have my own life experience I can apply, and I have my imagination.

I thought, we can’t keep destroying embryos for our research. There must be another way.

It is false to suggest that medical breakthroughs come only through government research.

Investing in science education and curiosity-driven research is investing in the future.

Attempt the end and never stand to doubt; Nothing's so hard, but search will find it out.

From its earliest days, stem cell research has been important to the people of Wisconsin.

I was much involved in the development of the spark chamber as a practical research tool.

Would I rather the research lab that tests animals is reduced to a bunch of cinders? Yes.

As a religious priest I find it a very enriching experience to do my scientific research.

I use the city because it saves time, I don't have to do a lot of research on the setting.

There is just no sensible, logical reason why we would not make use of stem cell research.

I enjoy doing things that involve research because it's part of what I enjoy about acting.

Do your own market research; ask your last ten customers exactly why they bought from you.

In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand.

Well, the research into it affected me. And the novel, it very much strengthened my faith.

Research by the Keller Fay Group finds that only 7 percent of word-of-mouth happens online.

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.

In fact, many nations currently refuse to support embryonic stem cell research of any kind.

I have a confidence because my research shows that I should just really trust my instincts.

I think there is value in having practising scientists as leaders of research institutions.

People doing the kind of sound research that I'm interested in still have a difficult time.

Teaching is learning. When you're teaching full-time you have to do research, stay current.

Research under a paradigm must be a particularly effective way of inducing paradigm change.

I think there is value in having practising scientists as leaders of research institutions.

This invisibility, however, means that the opportunities for creative research are infinite.

Prior to penicillin and medical research, death was an everyday occurrence. It was intimate.

Research can be a big clunker. It's difficult to know how you can make the historical light.

You know, Mike Milken, the money that he has raised for cancer research has been remarkable.

How much research I have to do depends on the nature of the story. For fantasy, none at all.

I believe in research you cannot do enough research; believability comes out of what's real.

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