She hopes for nothing except fine weather and a resolution. She wants to end properly, like a good sentence.

I don't like stories that are too neat and too resolved. I think resolutions can be deadening for the reader.

One of the most important tasks of the United States House of Representatives is to pass a budget resolution.

Stupidity and wisdom meet in the same centre of sentiment and resolution, in the suffering of human accidents.

I voted to threaten the use of force to make Saddam Hussein comply with the resolutions of the United Nations.

Instead of making a resolution to learn how to code in 2013, you might make a resolution to learn how to draw.

Only free men can negotiate; prisoners cannot enter into contracts. Your freedom and mine cannot be separated.

The best New Year's resolution I ever made was probably to, like, pursue fashion in the spirit that I have now.

I guess I made a resolution years ago that I would only do things that were only really important or really fun.

A resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible.

He thought and suffered a good deal but he lacked the resolution to dare--the first requisite of a practitioner.

Give warm greetings and farewells. I was surprised by how much this resolution changed the atmosphere of my home.

I'm wondering if there's a spell to make lightning flash in the background whenever I make an ominous resolution.

The resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible.

I think we need to look for any opening we can to avoid a war and we shouldn't pass up any opportunity for resolution.

In poetry, I didn't have to provide resolution. I could ask hard questions without feeling responsible for the answers.

My new year's resolution is to stop making five-year plans. I stress over where I'm going to be in five years so often.

New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time.

The United Nations has become a place where many countries seek to achieve a lynching of the United States by resolution.

New Year's resolution: To refrain from saying witty, unkind things, unless they are really witty and irreparably damaging.

If you start a conversation with the assumption that you are right or that you must win, obviously it is difficult to talk.

I choose to lead an eco-friendly life as a New Year resolution. Global Warming is a reality. It has to be collective effort.

A resolution to exercise or eat more nutritious foods is a step taking you back to the well-being from which you originated.

My characters - no, make that most characters - are seeking the shelter of narrative resolution, a place of quiet and grace.

You can't have a country or a city or a state that's worth a damn unluss you govern within yourself in your day-to-day life.

There are many aspects of the government that operate off a continuing resolution. It's difficult to do so for the military.

There is a fatality about unkept good resolutions. They are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account.

Increase in me that wisdom Which discovers my truest interest, Strengthen my resolution To perform that which wisdom dictates.

In 1999, NATO did impose a no-fly zone in Kosovo without seeking a U.N. resolution to carry out air strikes on Serbian forces.

We are undoing a pattern... It's the human pattern: we project onto the world a zillion possibilities of attaining resolution.

You don't make peace with your friends. That's the bottom line. You end conflicts by trying to find some political resolution.

'That which does not kill me makes me stronger' is not a law of the universe. What it can be, if we so choose, is a resolution.

Disarming Iraq is legal under a series of U.N. resolutions. Iraq is in flagrant violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions.

All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence.

Learning that we have a scapegoat is to lose it forever and to expose ourselves to mimetic conflicts with no possible resolution.

I wonder much that a court of Law should be in doubt whether a Resolution of Congress can superceed the Law of a Sovereign State.

In fact, my New Year's resolution every year, and I'm Jewish so I get two New Years a year, is to meditate, and I fail every time.

Take it from someone who's never managed to keep a New Year's resolution: making commitments is easy. Keeping them is what is hard.

I resolve never to make any resolutions because all resolutions are restrictions for the future. All resolutions are imprisonments.

We can only move to a long-term resolution regarding terrorism and war by planting seeds of peace. We have to start with ourselves.

One reason we love fiction is because stories have a comforting shape. They provide a resolution that's lacking in our regular lives.

I introduced H.Res 430, a congressional resolution calling upon the president to declare a National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement.

I'm old enuf to remember when Dems considered a UN resolution and an actual coalition nothing more than Bushy McHitler going it alone.

Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.

We're finally learning that it is not an either-or situation ... Feelings and learning and emotion are all very integral to each other.

If we continue to cut something with each resolution, I would say we're making steady progress and sending a strong conservative message.

With my dad gone, I made a resolution to myself. I would become the man of the house. Adulthood was still more than a decade away for me.

I said that we stand for strong relations with India, we stand for peaceful resolution of all our problems with India, including Kashmir.

Judges need to restrict themselves to the proper resolution of the case before them. They need to avoid the temptation to set broad policy.

Chastity more rarely follows fear, or a resolution, or a vow, than it is the mere effect of lack of appetite and, sometimes even, of distaste.

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