I play in the congressional baseball game.

I don't look like a normal congressional candidate.

President Bush bestowed the Congressional Medal on myself.

It is high time for some congressional oversight backbone.

Defending Congressional authority should not be a partisan issue.

I don't think people want to see someone buy a congressional race.

Every one of our congressional offices, every day, is under attack.

We absolutely need to reform the Congressional budget-writing process.

Anything my staff does in my office is pursuant to congressional rules.

I represent the 9th Congressional District of Georgia. I'm their voice.

Lobbying is a legitimate profession... Many congressional spouses act as lobbyists.

There's a lot of politics over who gets the next allocation of Congressional funding.

We have a bipartisan congressional task force against anti-Semitism, that's fantastic.

The Congressional leaders set the agenda for journalism; it's not the other way around.

I will make the final decision on running for governor after my congressional term ends.

In 1980, a young Senator Al Gore held the first Congressional hearings on global warming.

The abuse of congressional power for pure partisan gain has become a specialty of the GOP.

The Senate should refuse to confirm nominees who do not take Congressional power seriously.

Alabama seniors all across the Third Congressional District continue facing high drug costs.

We're doing everything we can to solidify my base of support in the 4th Congressional district.

If I am elected to Congress, I plan to introduce legislation tying Congressional pay to performance.

It's a proud tradition we have of a diverse representation from the Maryland congressional delegation.

We have numerous mandirs, gurudwaras, and mosques in my Congressional district and all across the U.S.

Giving jazz the Congressional seal of approval is a little like making Huck Finn an honorary Boy Scout.

As members of Congress, we have to pursue the Congressional Review Act legislation as soon as possible.

The big journals and Nobel laureates are the equivalent of Congressional leaders in science journalism.

One of the first items of Congressional business in 2006 will be an effort to renew the USA Patriot Act.

I think the media loves taking the most absurd clips for a sport that has become congressional politics.

The San Fernando Valley has plenty of manufacturing zones, especially in the 29th Congressional District.

The NSA routinely lies in response to congressional inquiries about the scope of surveillance in America.

By ending congressional taxpayer-funded pensions, we will take one more step toward draining the swamp in Washington.

When I make decisions, it's not based on what the Republican Party does. I'm elected by the 9th congressional district.

Voting in presidential and congressional elections is a national right - and the national government should protect it.

The Congressional Art Competition encourages and cultivates the ingenuity and creativity of young people in our region.

So, I represent the 1st Congressional District of New York. It's on the east end of Long Island. This is Suffolk County.

Ultimately, Congressional medicine is like veterinary medicine: It must be strong enough to work, and tasty enough to swallow.

Yes, I introduced the congressional pay cut bill, cutting our salaries by five percent. And I think we have to lead by example.

The life of a congressional spouse is harder than the life of the member. They do all the work and get none of the recognition.

Each week, I will release a public schedule of how I am spending my time, and who I am meeting with in my Congressional office.

Some of the school districts in my congressional district are looking at resource officers and how they secure that environment.

Receiving a reputable pro-Israel award isn't a bad idea for a Democrat or a Republican in a New York City congressional district.

I am proud to represent New York's 13th Congressional District, which has one of the largest and diverse populations in the country.

The United States should give former NSA contractor Edward Snowden immunity from prosecution in exchange for congressional testimony.

I introduced H.Res 430, a congressional resolution calling upon the president to declare a National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement.

The Office of Congressional Ethics was created to provide more transparency in the House of Representatives. It was a commendable goal.

Congressional dysfunction is the logical result of closed primaries, too many gerrymandered one-party seats, and low-turnout elections.

When one may pay out over two million dollars to presidential and Congressional campaigns, the U.S. government is virtually up for sale.

The Senate cannot confirm an individual... who would support a scheme that violates our Constitution, eviscerates congressional authority.

You can't win a congressional seat unless you have money. Even if you do, it's tick-tock, tick-tock until someone with more money beats you.

The Trump administration launched the cruise missile strikes in Syria, an act of war, without a U.N. resolution or Congressional authorization.

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