A good workout makes me feel relaxed.

I want to wear things that make me feel good.

I usually write about what makes me feel good.

I'm a vegan. It makes me feel really good and bright.

I don't drink. I don't like it. It makes me feel good.

For me, if something fits properly, it makes me feel good.

If I say a joke and the audience laughs it makes me feel good.

The good thing is I didn't feel like anyone was going to judge me on 'Glee.'

It doesn't make me feel good to be conniving and manipulative. I can't do that.

A lot of the former Idols were voting for me, and that makes me feel really good.

I wouldn't necessarily wear what everybody is wearing unless it makes me feel good.

My parents taught me good standards, and I feel like I'm taking it to the boxing realm.

I feel very good at Atletico, and being here allows me to play in the Champions League.

I don't have any styling rules - for me, it's all about wearing what makes you feel good.

Rahul's my elder brother and I feel good to have someone in the industry who has helped me out.

Usually, there's nothing being thrown toward the stage or at me. Then I feel pretty good about it.

I have a folder where I keep all the articles the critics have written about me. It makes me feel good.

When the stories come easily and the writing process doesn't feel laboring, that's usually a good sign for me.

For me, casting is very instinctive, and if I don't feel good about it, I just can't go ahead and make the film.

For me, clothes are about individuality. When I wear things that are different and it works, it makes me feel good.

I'm not one to run around with different girls. I like someone that makes me feel good and that I can make feel good.

I feel like I'm good with girls. I understand them and am good at loving them. I've always felt like that's been natural for me.

My daughters are here, and that makes me feel good. And with the spirit of Nick Ashford, I think I'll make it through. I have no choice.

Everyone has someone they looked up to. Mine was Mickey Mantle. For Alex Rodriguez to idolize me coming up, that makes me feel very good.

Nothing thrills me more than to be good at something. It's very rewarding, and I feel grateful and blessed, and I never take it for granted.

I had the surgery, and it was removed, and I don't have any diverticulitis in me. It's gone. It has taken a number of years to feel good again.

2012, I feel like I was still grinding. It was a good year for me, but that was my year breaking down the barriers. It was like my introduction.

I'm not a good photographer, not a good writer. I'm a pretty regular person whose insecurity is so pervasive that it makes me always feel vulnerable.

I'm not good at dressing up. I always feel a bit out of place. It's just not me - high heels and designer dresses - and I can't seem to get used to it.

Doctors have told me I have a high pain threshold, but I can only know what I feel. I think I'm good at minimising the pain and being indifferent to it.

I'm not big on plastic surgery for me but I don't fault it for someone who wants it for them. You have to do what makes you feel good, but it's not my thing.

Before every show, I have to put perfume on. I know the crowd's not necessarily going to smell me, but when I smell good, I feel like I can dominate the room.

Generally, if I read something that I think is really good and that I feel a connection with and is right for me, I see and hear who the guy is, as manifested by me.

I like clothes that make me feel good. My favourite designers include Michelle Jonas and Dolce & Gabbana. Their clothes make me feel as if I'm Sophia Loren - really womanly.

In '73 I photographed the cannibals in New Guinea. They treated me OK but they didn't make you feel relaxed... I managed to escape unscathed though, I'm pretty good at that.

I think the big things for me are trying to keep running and staying active, but not forcing to do one hour or five miles but really going out and doing it until you feel good.

Now, when we first started, I would be playing something good and then feel like I wasn't doing the right thing and launch into some idiotic cliche. Luckily for me, Bobby was patient.

I've got to tell you right out of the chute, Ryan Howard, to me, is very interested in my input in his hitting. To me that makes me really feel good. We've chatted over the years about hitting.

I feel like sometimes, when I talk about 'Transparent,' I'm in a cult. And in some ways, I guess I sort of am, although it's a cult that pays me, and I don't pay it, so maybe that's a really good cult.

When I got my MacBook, I started playing around with Garageband a lot. It was just a creative outlet. I put everything into it. I would skip all my classes just to be making my songs. Stuff like that made me feel good.

I had a good first season at Tottenham, but in the second there wasn't a sequence of games. So when I didn't feel happy, I waited for the season to end and then asked the president to let me go to try another challenge.

Hamp would ask me about tempos in the band: 'Jacquet,' he'd say, 'knock off that tempo.' A lot of jazz musicians didn't prefer to play for dancers, which was their loss, really. But good jazz has always had that dance feel.

Whenever anybody says what you do isn't good, it's always unflattering and makes me feel uncomfortable. But when the person who's in charge of the United States of America says, 'Not good,' I'm like, 'Oh.' It's a little unflattering.

To me, all these things tell a story, and I find clothespin parts as interesting as 'collectors' furniture.' Good pieces of Shaker furniture are interesting, but only so much. It is the other things and the personal effects that let me feel the Shakers.

It's really comforting for me and Jeff, at least, that after 12 years we finally feel we've reached a place where we can be more honest, real and loving with each other. And we're finally in a band that we know is good, and deserves the credit it's getting.

I need to be in a stable environment right now in my career. What I mean by that is a place where I can play and not have too much pressure on me and a place I can develop. Monaco wanted me and did whatever they could to get me so I feel very very good about that.

To let somebody get 30 points on you, and you feel good because you got 35 on them, that's not good for me, you know what I'm saying? If I get 35, I want him to get 12 or 14 because that means I've done something. I've done my job. I went out there and played hard and did what I had to do.

If the script's good, everything you need is in there. I just try and feel it, and do it honestly. I also don't learn things for auditions, because I feel like it's just a test of memorizing rather than being real. Maybe every other actor would think that was terrible, I don't know. But it seems to have worked for me, so far.

I don't hit it as far as a lot of guys do, so I have to be in the right spot in the fairway to score, and that means driving it well. The two biggest keys for me are to make a good transition and to keep my hands ahead of the clubhead through impact. I want to feel as if my swing is two swings: one going back and another coming down.

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