Many of my greatest fights and moments were in the UFC, and they were always good to me.

Hard moments can happen with anyone. And these are the situations that you have to overcome.

If you don't give up, eventually you will break the cycle and you will overcome any obstacle.

It's best to keep a strategic fight and try to win because the level of the sport is so high.

I live my life - I walk the right path - but I can't be like, 'Oh, I'm scared of this or that.'

As a professional, I get in a dilemma between sport and entertainment. There's these two sides.

A fight involves the emotion, the strategy of combat. There are many factors connected to a fight.

The pressure is always there... I just have got to go out there and enjoy my moment and do my best.

As you go in there, you keep winning; after you've had a loss or two, people start to humanize you.

Sometimes when you chat about something, a few ideas come up, you go this way or that way in training.

If I had a choice, I'd rather not fight someone from Brazil, but as a professional, I couldn't say no.

When I was 15 years old, I watched Royce Gracie in the cage, and I thought I'd like to do the same thing.

Everything Mousasi says only motivates me. I have a win over him, and I think he's a little bothered by it.

At middleweight, I started to find an ideal weight for me. I face guys my size, my height, and with my physique.

I like to be busy, especially after I lost against Luke Rockhold. The best way to recover is to get another fight.

Only because you moved forwards, it doesn't mean you were effective. Sometimes it's the wrong criteria to be used.

I think we both matured together in this sport, so I think fight between Michael Bisping and myself would mean a lot.

To be happy is very important to do a great performance because you have to be comfortable; your mind has to be clear.

Having your father to help you to get back up is good, but you need to get up by yourself and walk alone. Life goes on.

It's not a defeat nor an obstacle that is going to get in the way of our dream, my dream continues, the journey continues

It's important to have the support of your family, but when is time to move away? You have to walk with your own legs one day.

I'm a real martial artist, my father always taught me that some way I have to train every day, no matter what happens your life.

I loss that fight to Phil Davis, but I'm not convinced on that fight. Because it wasn't fair for me. I'd like to do another fight.

Before a fight I empty my mind. Every fighter is able to lose. It is not a big thing. You have to accept what comes and remain calm.

I believe in my striking game against Weidman's wrestling. He's complete in every aspect of the game, but I'm confident in what I do.

I always go there to put on a fight knowing that my opponent is well prepared and will do his best. That's the challenge that motivates me.

When I prepare for a fight, I never expect it to be easy. I believe that that would create a chance for me to not give my best in the Octagon.

For sure, Jacare would be a great opponent. I have all the respect for him, but I would like a lot to have the opportunity of facing him someday.

I try to clear my mind of everything, I try to think of nothing. I just let my body act, the body can take control and do what it's trained to do.

Chris Weidman is a tough guy; he's well rounded. He's known for being a wrestler. He's very good on the ground. He can knock people out standing up.

I feel that not only have I been out there promoting my style of karate, but just promoting the traditional martial arts, and it makes me very happy.

I can't say 'OK, let's begin to exchange and see where it goes.' We want to give a fight and give people a good show, but you have to play on a safety zone.

In karate, there's a lot of respect. In fact, when an opponent accepts to fight me, he's giving me a chance to show my work, so I can't diminish him at all.

The main thing Karate offers to me is a philosophy of life. The philosophy of Karate is respect and discipline. You give 100% of whatever you do, in every activity.

I think to keep my principles. To keep my principles, I think, is the most important thing. Every day, everyone change. It's normal, but your principle never can change.

Every time you achieve a dream, you must set another one. Because that will strengthen your path. Or you will become dead, because if you have no dreams, you have no life.

Fighting in Brazil is always great because you're close to the fans. It's a good energy on fight day: during the open workouts, the support on social media is always closer.

Right after my fight against Luke Rockhold, I had surgery on my left hand. I just took out some fragments from back then. Too many training, and I had some fragments in my hand.

Anderson Silva, Georges Saint-Pierre, and Rodrigo Nogueira are some of the top fighters in the UFC among many other great fighters. The UFC has many of the toughest fighters around.

The way I stand and my posture really complicates my opponents; they don't understand it and don't know what to do about. The way I stand there in front of them really throws them off.

I have fought my brother some times before. We got hurt sometimes, needed stitches, but it was normal after the fights. We always had a positive rivalry that pushed both of us to our best.

Brock Lesnar is a big challenge for me because he's a big guy: very, very strong, very, very powerful, very, very fast. I like the challenge. Brock Lesnar, for me, would be a very good fight.

We teach the karate methodology, bringing back the history of the martial art, the attacks that stopped being used when the martial art became a sport and that my brother and I use in the cage.

My father is a Japanese Shotokan karate master, so I have been training karate with my family since I was three years old. I got my black belt in karate at 13 and got introduced to judo and sumo shortly after.

Its not just about competition: it's my life, my lifestyle. So I train every day, and I feel very good, because sometimes training is like meditations for me; it's a good escape to me to the problems for everything.

I don't want to be in this sport just to participate. I want to be in this to win, and that's what motivates me every day to break down barriers and to get better every time and to exceed my limits and to win fights.

One of my brothers teaches karate at our gym and also handles the administrative side of the gym. My other brother is a fighter like me and teaches a class at the gym. So my brothers are always at the gym together training.

The uncomfort zone is very important for us... To feel uncomfortable is important to strengthen your spirit. Like the samurai says, if you feel comfortable you must search for the discomfort, don't look only for the easy way.

It's very hard because the sport evolves so fast, changes so fast. So, you have to be there to see the changes that are happening in the moment. That's why I keep training every day. I try to mix myself in all of the academies.

I'm a fan of Fedor, have been a fan since he was in PRIDE, a great champion, and since I like to challenge myself, new challenges, that was one of the offers that came with my move to Bellator. Of course fighting Fedor would be an honor, a dream.

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