Time is the fairest and toughest judge.

My toughest fight was with my first wife.

Writing for children is the toughest thing.

Directing a movie is one of the toughest tasks.

The toughest fight I've ever had was T. J. Grant.

The Kookaburra is the toughest ball to bowl with.

Chhichhore' is the toughest film that I have done.

Tim Kennedy is one of the toughest guys in my opinion.

I'll never get complacent. I am my own toughest critic.

Boxing is the toughest and loneliest sport in the world.

I want the hardest, toughest challenges out there for me.

Rafa is the toughest opponent to start a campaign against.

Forgiving is love's toughest work, and love's biggest risk.

I lost my parents, which is the toughest thing to overcome.

World Championships is the toughest competition in the world.

Of all my dubbing projects, the toughest one has been 'Eega!'

The divorce was the toughest thing in my life. It still hurts.

The Italian one is the toughest league of all for the attackers.

The toughest thing for me is doing on-camera stuff as a comedian.

All I ever cared about was actors - toughest job in this business.

I campaigned on signing the toughest abortion bill in the country.

The toughest workout can never match the pain of being out of work.

I asked for the toughest, best fights to my management, to my coaches.

Dealing with my first pro loss was the toughest adversity of my career.

Comic fans are some of the toughest fans to please, and I'm one of them.

Going back down to the minors is the toughest thing to handle in baseball.

Frank Mir is gonna be my toughest fight in my UFC career. It won't be easy.

The toughest away match in La Liga for me used to be the one against Osasuna.

I genuinely like to make people laugh. It is one of the toughest things to do.

The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success.

For me, Goodison is the toughest away ground to come to. I have experienced it.

The Marine Corps is supposed to be the toughest and most rigorous of its class.

We are extending basic training. It'll be the longest and toughest in the world.

Perhaps the truest axiom in baseball is that the toughest thing to do is repeat.

I love touring Canada, and our Calgary fans are among the roughest and toughest.

Comedy is very tough to do, it never gets the awards but it's the toughest task.

My toughest job every day is maintaining intensity with myself and with my staff.

Paolo Maldini and John Terry are two of the toughest men I have met on the field.

Meldrick Taylor deserves the rematch. He gave me the toughest fight of my career.

The toughest thing about being a success is you've got to keep on being a success.

The toughest challenges I've faced are the deaths of my mother and Stephen Gately.

The toughest challenge for any actor is to get accepted and loved by the audience.

I just want to be remembered as one of the toughest champions with his own attitude.

To lose your last remaining parent is the toughest thing. It is a very lonely thing.

If I could get the respect of 14-year-olds, I'm happy. They're the toughest audience.

Gladbach are definitely one of the toughest opponents. They always play good football.

The 2008 season was very long and extremely hard - probably the toughest of my career.

Toughest job in baseball is the general manager. Second toughest is the hitting coach.

Third down and long is the toughest situation for any offensive coordinator in the NFL.

Without a doubt, one of the toughest football players to ever play the game is Tom Brady.

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