If you go to France, you have to speakFrench. If you speak in English, no one looks at you. On the one hand we sayEnglish is a global language.

Our policy is very clear: whatever policy will suit the people, whatever policy will suit the circumstances, whatever policy will suit my state.

Over 600 Indian companies have opened their offices in U.K. and have secured the second highest number of jobs by a foreign employer in the U.K.

I praised the government when they do good things like scrapping of Article 370, construction of Ram Mandir, implementation of CAA among others.

If you want India to lower tariffs and facilitate more free trade, then I think Indian producers also have a right to enter the European market.

The 2009 elections were the first my party faced. Still MNS candidates lost by lesser margins. Each of my candidate got more than one lakh votes.

For decades, the Congress party has used its power to make Nehru appear as a giant, rendering all other political personalities small before him.

Rahul Gandhi cannot be a prime minister because he is a citizen of Britain, and his Indian citizenship will be cancelled; he won't even be an MP.

Justice has always evoked ideas of Equality, of proportion of compensation. In short, Justice is another name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Auctioning of natural resources such as spectrum, coal, oilfields, and land for commercial exploitation can largely substitute for tax impositions.

Criticism of a policy is welcome. But in the garb of criticizing a policy, if you allege that the policy was made for corrupt purposes, I reject it.

Those who are complaining about Bombay's law and order should be sent to U.P. and Bihar - only then they will realize how safe and secure Bombay is.

Knowledge is gender neutral, and hence the 21st century offers a great opportunity to level the gender inequity of the last thousand years in India.

Why should I ? I don't need to run down my opponent through filthy language in order to win. The voters don't expect this from their representatives.

We can pretend that China is not there. But China is there, and unless we put our economy on the right track, it is going to overwhelm us completely.

Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class.

I have maintained that the people of India are ahead of their governments. The people of India are at least 10 to 15 years ahead of their governments.

Pakistan is not a rogue state, but it harbours and covertly supports rogue elements. While war is not the answer, hard or coercive diplomacy could be.

In West Bengal when Sourav Ganguly is dropped from the team, the communists in that region become Bengalis and fight for him. Is this not regionalism?

I belong to the Congress. My party has always supported prohibition, though it may not have been successful in implementing prohibition in many states.

These days, those who criticize the Union government are being labelled as anti-BJP and those praise it as BJP supporters. Isn't there any middle path?

I'm a person who promotes the concept of accountability to a great extent, and I've spoken in the Parliament and reinforced the need for accountability.

One should learn from the past, but one should not live in the past. My concern is to look to the future, learn from the past, and deal with the present.

The Shiv Sena says that when it comes to power, they will declare Aarey as a forest. How will they declare it a forest when there won't be any trees left?

I certainly think the antagonism came out of a mistaken notion amongst the Indian people that the Chinese aggressed on us, and they thought, Indian people

Alok Verma cannot be sacked based on the Central Vigilance Commission's (CVC) report without being heard. PM Modi should not listen to bogus legal brains.

If Munshi Premchand or Harivansh Rai Bachchan come from U.P., I am ready to put out a red carpet for them, but not for the goons of Azamgarh and Pratapgarh.

I run my own world, because I very firmly believe that my destiny, my future is in my hands and I don't want to blame anybody else for the path that I take.

I speak to people in the languagethey understand. First I have a dialogue, if that is not understood I speak inanother language. There is no remedy for this.

The truth is truth. I have never made a charge in my political career of 30 years where I have been disapproved. No defamation case has succeeded against me.

We yield to none in our love, admiration and respect for the Buddha-the Dharma-the Sangha. They are all ours. Their glories are ours and ours their failures.

I never supported violence. Before the formation of TMC, I was a member of the Congress Party. Gandhi's Congress. Non-violence is a philosophy that runs deep.

The world has come around to the view that democracy is essential for full human development. And only education and skill development can make this possible.

I run my own world, because I very firmly believe that my destiny, my future, is in my hands, and I don't want to blame anybody else for the path that I take.

Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government.

We have jobs in Maharashtra but outsiders are getting them. They are also getting admission in educational institutions depriving our children of their rights.

I am calling Shaktikanta Das as a corrupt person. I am surprised that the man I got removed from the Finance Ministry for corruption was brought in as governor.

We welcome the Election Commission's announcement of a five-phase poll in the state. We will abide by all the guidelines and directives issued by the Commission.

It is very creditable when a woman gets into politics. She does this at the expense of responsibilities toward her home and family and should be lauded for this.

Modi could have done wonders in the country because he had a majority government. He, however, only changed the names of the schemes implemented by the Congress.

The interest rate because of Mr. Raghuram Rajan has been too high, and so medium and small industries have all collapsed. This has led to increased unemployment.

Lost rights are never regained by appeals to the conscience of the usurpers, but by relentless struggle....goa ts are used for sacrificial offerings and not lions.

If you study carefully, you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an element of flexibility inherent in it, which is not found in any other religion.

The Indian community in the U.K. has a unique place in our diaspora. U.K. is the first country which has an Indian community truly representative of its diversity.

In Gujarat, they may not have enough people to do menial jobs and so they need people from U.P. and Bihar. But in Maharashtra, we have enough people who need jobs.

If anything like #MeToo happens, women can come to MNS. We will teach a lesson to accused. Women must raise the voice when they face oppression, not after 10 years.

In international relations, in foreign policy, a great deal has to do with historical circumstances, a great deal has to do with the sense and perception of people.

Shaktikanta Das being appointed as RBI Governor is wrong. He has worked closely in corrupt activities with P. Chidambaram and even tried to save him in court cases.

You are paying for petrol, roads, tolls but what are you getting? Year after year, the roads go bad and then get repaired, but the number of potholes only keep rising.

I am not God. Nor am I Phantom. I am ready to accept any criticism. I have been in politics for decades. Each and every day, in several media, there is criticism of me.

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