In architecture you should live for 150 years, because you have to learn in the first 75 years.

Architecture should be rooted in the past, and yet be part of our own time and forward looking.

Chinese architecture has a complete organic structure; it contains both sensibility and purpose.

Art is the right hand of Nature. The latter has only given us being, the former has made us men.

I think the artistic side of architecture was natural to me. My mother was an artist and a poet.

The imperial vastness of late Roman architecture was made possible by the invention of concrete.

The highest art is always the most religious, and the greatest artist is always a devout person.

A good painting to me has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comforts and inspires.

Truly great architecture always transcends its stated function, sometimes in unanticipated ways.

For a woman to go out alone into architecture is still very, very hard. It's still a man's world.

Architecture is not merely national but clearly has local ties in that it is rooted in the earth.

I would have liked maybe to be in architecture or painting, something connected to the fine arts.

My interest in architecture has always been sculptural. Most of my photography is of architecture

In any architecture, there is an equity between the pragmatic function and the symbolic function.

By the unification of architecture, sculpture and painting a new plastic reality will be created.

Architecture is about experience: not only visual but also what you can touch, what you can feel.

The visual architecture of 'Biutiful' is the most sophisticated of all the films I have directed.

Great architecture of the past was always clear. SFMOMA is still a simple building to understand.

Architecture has joined the world of fashion, but fashion is passing and architecture is timeless.

Church architecture describes visually the idea of the sacred, which is a fundamental need of man.

Architecture is always dream and function, expression of a utopia and instrument of a convenience.

The way of architecture is the quiet voice that underlies it and has guided it from the beginning.

A city building, you experience when you walk; a suburban building, you experience when you drive.

My interest in architecture has always been sculptural. Most of my photography is of architecture.

Today, architecture is invention. It isn't enough to just be rational - It must also be beautiful.

I am exhausted by traditional memoir. I am exhausted by the architecture of the conventional novel.

I would like my architecture to inspire people to use their own resources, to move into the future.

For me, architecture is not just creating a space to protect people but to make them dream as well.

I really love Miami, but I don't think the architecture matches the city. It's a bit too commercial.

Architecture depends on facts, but its real field of activity lies in the realm of the significance.

Authentic architecture is not the incarnation of the spirit of the age but of the spirit, full stop.

I don't really get into architecture in the hotel room. But maybe a little Feng Shui here and there.

We need better architecture and planning: more imaginatively exciting, more involving, more our own.

If you consider only utility, the things you build will soon be useless... nobody wants to be in it.

Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator.

Doctrines provide an architecture for both Republican and Democrat presidents to carry out policies.

Escape from the architecture ghetto is one of the major drivers and has been from the very beginning.

For me, architecture is the means, not the end. It's a means of making different life forms possible.

One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again.

I want to explore my design philosophy in different mediums, and I'm very interested in architecture.

There is still a real need for good quality architecture, not paper architecture, but the real stuff.

A dress is a piece of ephemeral architecture, designed to enhance the proportions of the female body.

In architecture, Palladio is the game. It means hard thought all through - if it is labored, it fails.

We are producing urban places which are disjointed and disconnected and not worthy of our civilisation

The logic of Palladian architecture presented an aesthetic formula which could be applied universally.

Architecture is measured against the past; you build in the future, and you try to imagine the future.

Architecture is the story of how we see ourselves. It is the architect's job to service everyday life.

Architecture has been male-dominated forever, and I am a grateful beneficiary of the women's movement.

The work of art shows people new directions and thinks of the future. The house thinks of the present.

Architecture is what nature cannot make. Architecture is something unnatural but not something made up.

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